Duphalac - instructions for use

The drug "Dufalac" is produced inin the form of fifteen milliliter packets, polyethylene bottles of two hundred, five hundred and one thousand milliliters with a clear, viscous, colorless to light yellow color with a brown tint, syrup, and also in packets of ten grams of powder. It is a laxative drug with osmotic properties.

The drug "Dufalac" has the following pharmacological action

Has a laxative effect, based onhyperosmotic effect, enhances intestinal peristalsis, improves the absorption of calcium and phosphate salts, stimulates the excretion of ammonium salts. Lactulose cleaves the intestinal microflora to low molecular weight organic acids, which lower the pH and increase the osmotic pressure, which results in an increase in the volume of intestinal contents. Such effects increase peristalsis of the intestine and change the consistency of the stool. Constipation passes, the natural rhythm is restored by emptying the large intestine. In addition, lactulose promotes the growth of useful microflora in the intestine, in particular, lactobacilli and bifidobacteria and suppresses clostridia and escherichia.

Pharmacokinetics of the drug "Dufalac" instructions for use describes as follows

Adsorption of this medicationlow. It reaches the large intestine without being absorbed, and there it is already split by the microflora. Completely metabolizes if taken in doses not exceeding forty-five to seventy milliliters, and in the case of higher doses, part of the drug may be partially excreted unchanged.

Dosage of the drug "Dufalac" instructions for use leads to a

This medication is intended for takingInward as in a divorced, and in an undiluted form. The daily dose is taken at a time and at the same time, for example, at the time of breakfast. The drug is not recommended to hold in your mouth, but you should swallow it right away. The dosage is set individually by the attending physician.

Usually for children under the age of one year the initial dose is five milliliters, as well as the supporting dose.

For children from one year to six years - from five to ten milliliters and the initial and supporting.

For children from the age of seven to fourteen, the initial dose is fifteen milliliters, and the supporting dose is ten to fifteen.

For adults, the initial dose is usually from fifteen to forty-five milliliters, and the maintenance dose is from fifteen to thirty.

For the preparation "Dufalac" instructions for useprovides for use also for the treatment of hepatic coma and precom. For such cases, the dose is set at thirty to forty five milliliters of the drug three times or four times a day. After passing to the dose selected individually, so that the soft chair was not more than two or three times a day.

Overdose of the drug "Dufalac" instructions for use describes as follows

There are pains in the abdomen, diarrhea is possible. To stop this condition, reduce the dose of the drug or stop receiving it altogether. If there is a significant loss of fluid due to diarrhea, electrolyte imbalance correction may be required.

The drug "Dufalac". Composition

A syrup contains in each milliliter six hundred and sixty seven and a half milligram of active substance.

Drug interaction is unknown.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

If this need arises, this medicine can be used both during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Possible side effects

In the early days, flatulence can develop, but heusually disappears within a few days, abdominal pain, when using massive doses - diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, electrolyte balance disorders due to the development of diarrhea.

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