Propolis: there are contraindications

Propolis or bee glue is a resinous substance,which in the bee hive performs several tasks. With its help bees seal unnecessary holes, they disinfect the beehive, seal honeycombs, etc. The product received its name from the Latin "pro" and the Greek word "polis", which means ahead of the fortress. Having antiseptic properties, propolis protects from several infectious diseases several tens of thousands of bees that are in the hive. There are different points of view on the origin of this unique product, but there is no doubt about its plant base and the effectiveness of the effect on living organisms.

Externally propolis looks like an amorphous resinousmass having a non-uniform structure. The color of this mass depends on many factors: the geographical position of the site of the hive, the degree of environmental pollution, the duration of storage of this substance, etc. The consistency of propolis varies: depending on the ambient temperature, it can be brittle, dense and viscous. The carried out researches have shown the big degree of influence of the given product on exchange processes in a human body.

This resinous substance is a catalyst inthe process of metabolism and positively affects human development and its growth. Anesthetic properties of propolis are stronger than strong narcotic substances such as cocaine. The spectrum of propolis influence on the human body is quite wide. Using its extract, one can even achieve suppression of the growth of malignant tumors.

In addition, this product has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antitoxic and even more other actions important for human health.

Despite the fact that clinical andpharmacological studies have confirmed the excellent therapeutic and prophylactic properties of propolis and its harmlessness, experts do not recommend abusing it. As a medical preparation, propolis contraindications are minimal.

It can be used not only as a separate preparation, it is often used as a substance that enhances the effect of other drugs, in particular, in combination with antibiotics.

Patients with infected bronchial asthmaPropolis should be limited in its diet. Contraindications for its use are available for patients suffering from acute liver disease. In this case, caution in use is caused by the likelihood of even greater exacerbation of the disease.

Patients suffering from allergies to bee products,it is not recommended to take propolis. Contraindications for them are the appearance of a sharp reaction in the form of itching, swelling, fever and headache. Despite the absence of toxic substances in such a useful substance as propolis, there are contraindications. It is not recommended to use it in the treatment of diseases such as dermatitis, eczema, diathesis, etc.

Propolis is a natural substance. It does not have artificial constituents in the form of dyes, preservatives and various flavor additives. This natural substance has a pronounced effect in the fight against viruses, microbes and bacteria. They treat various diseases of the intestinal tract and stomach. Chinese experts after the studies have concluded that propolis can reduce the level of cholesterol in the body.

Propolis is an environmentally friendly product,he is able to enhance the body's immunity and, therefore, protect against cancer and heart disease. You can achieve accelerated healing of the wound, attaching a bandage to the burned or wounded surface, under which there is propolis. The ointment from this product is able not only to effectively heal the wound, but also to make the scar of injury less noticeable. Propolis is also used to prevent and treat skin diseases, stomach, prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

How to take this drug, you can readonly on the Internet, but also in specialized literature. A large list of medicinal properties, a sufficient amount of raw materials, availability of propolis, the ability to make a medicinal product out of it and, of course, ecological purity and harmlessness attract more attention of practical specialists.

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