Holotropic Breathing: Technology

Holotropic breathing began from yogic practice, which has been known to Hindus for many millennia. The types of such exercises differ only in the positions in which they must be performed.

History of appearance

This action was developed by the American familypsychologists Christina and Stanislav Grof. It is based on thirty years of studying the altered consciousness, the therapeutic possibilities that are induced by the use of non-pharmacological methods of influencing consciousness and psychedelic drugs for the purpose of therapy.

As a method of therapy holotropic breathing,the technique of which is absolutely simple, was suggested by Grof in replacement of LSD-therapy, forbidden to use after this drug was tabooed. The state itself, which emerged as a result of holotropic breathing, is not at all different from the narcotic trance that appears due to the paradoxical hypoxia of the brain.

When a person causes extraordinarythe state of their consciousness due to a peculiar technique, this allows you to survive the trauma, hidden in the depths and find liberation from them. The main element of this technique is intensive breathing, diluted with awakening music and immersion in the flow of pop-up experience. During this kind of practice, the inner dialogue stops and a complete immersion in the subconscious takes place.

Exercise courses

Holotropic breathing, whose technique will beis considered in this article, they take courses that most often last 2-3 hours a day for three to twelve days. And the exercise itself lasts about an hour or two in one session. During it, breathing becomes as intense as in active sports (swimming or running). Experts believe that such practices can give an excellent physical effect and positively affect the patient's health.

Very often holotropic breathing, data technologyexercises and all practitioners are actively criticized by representatives of traditional religious organizations. In addition, representatives of traditional psychology, skeptics and many scientific organizations recognize holotropic breathing as unscientific technique. All due to the fact that its effects can not be explained in terms of the usual science.

But, no matter what, people who practicethese classes are sure that the technique not only works, but also gives really effective results. It can save people from almost any psychological problems.

Holotropic breathing, whose technique is absolutelysimple, allowed to use children who reached the age of 12 years. But in any case, the decision to use this technique is always taken by the instructor who will conduct the session.

Practice of Holotropic Breathing

So how do these classes go? The first thing you should know is that all practices are strictly individual. And to bring a person to the level where he himself can use this technique, you will need at least 12-15 lessons.

But it all depends on a fairly largenumber of nuances. And sometimes a person will need much more sessions. This happens due to the fact that due to his own characteristics, he simply can not stand intense exercises. Then classes are held in a relaxed regime.

Holotropic breathing. The method is as follows:

  1. The first 10 minutes of breathing should be deep and slow.
  2. The next hour is deep and quite intense.
  3. The last 20 minutes begin superficial slow, and end with the usual breathing.

Sometimes in the process of holotropic breathing there are problems of loss of self-control, spasms in the throat, severe fear and pain, because it is always deeper and more frequent than usual.

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