Sedation effect of various drugs

House-work-house - this carousel of worries sotightens that some people forget to give rest to their tense nervous system. This way of life can lead to health problems, and so you can and need to help yourself by choosing the right sedatives.

They are usually understood as medications that providerelaxing, sedative effect on the nervous system, but not violating its work. However, the mechanism of their action has not been studied to the end. Some drugs have a retarding effect or reduce excitability, others are based on the principles of balancing excitability and thorny processes. Effect one - a person calms down a little, his reactions slow down, sometimes there is drowsiness.

Soothing drugs should not be confused with tranquilizers and drugs, their sedative effect is much less pronounced and does not depress the nervous system so much.

sedative effect

To date, the market is represented by a wideassortment of preparations of both synthetic and vegetable origin. The most popular of the means of plant origin are the motherwort infusions, the peony and, of course, all the familiar valerian - an infusion of valerian medicinal. In addition, mint has some sedative effect. It should be known that almost all sedative herbs start to act in full force, only accumulating in the body, that is, treatment should be conducted in courses. A single dose of such drugs alone will not have a significant effect, except as a placebo.

There are also drugs that provide practicallyinstant sedation, but they usually belong to the class of tranquilizers, and in addition to soothing and even depressing effects on the nervous system, they also have a muscle relaxant effect, that is, relax the muscles.

sedative effect

Sedative preparations of syntheticorigin, as a rule, have bromides or barbiturates in their composition. The intake of bromides is often accompanied by side effects, especially with a long course. Barbiturates are often part of sleeping pills, but in small doses they have a significant sedative effect.

The side sedation has also someantihistamines, such as "Suprastin", but the drugs against the allergy of the last generation no longer have such an effect. In addition, alcohol has a significant sedative effect.

sedative herbs

The appointment of sedatives shouldperformed by a doctor, the reception should also be under his control to timely adjust the dosage if necessary. You do not need to worry about getting used to it - the medicines of this group do not cause it.

It should be remembered that people whose workrequires concentration and constant attention, and also motorists should choose preparations of this kind especially carefully, since all sedative medications somewhat slow down the speed and quality of the reaction, especially when the dosage is incorrectly selected.

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