Vegeto vascular dystonia: timely treatment is the best pledge of recovery!

Vegeto Vascular Dystonia - one of the difficult and mysterious diagnoses that can destroy human life. In time, untreated treatment leads to a complete loss of efficiency. What is the VSD? What is dangerous disease?

What is vegetative vascular dystonia?

The disease is a disorderregulation of the vascular tone, accompanied by a psycho - emotional disturbance. Dystonia is considered a syndrome developing against a background of another disease. Vegetatively vascular dystonia causes a disturbance of the nervous system, which controls the internal balance in the body. The only way to treat the VSD is to find the cause of the disease and eliminate it.

Causes of the disease

The causes of the disease are very diverse. Let's look at the factors that play the main role in the development of the IRR.

  1. The defeat of the central nervous system leads to vascular disorders, causes a violation of left-cardiodynamics and hydrocephalus. This disease leads to emotional, psychological and neurotic disorders.
  2. Psychotransforming factors affect developmentvegetative disorders. In addition, chronic stress, regular nerves, emotional overload and mental overexertion can also affect the disease.
  3. A special place in the development of the disease is taken by the transferred injuries, severe surgery, fright or infectious diseases.
  4. Among the social factors can be identified - eating disorders, drinking alcohol and smoking.
  5. Violation of the hormonal background caused by diseases of the endocrine system.

Symptoms of the disease

In most cases, the symptoms appearsimilar to the emergence of several diseases at once - headaches, sudden changes in blood pressure, palpitation, fainting, ice feet and hands and excessive sweating. The person begins to notice the meteorological dependence.

Vegeto vascular dystonia in sick people can be manifested fluctuations in temperature (from 35 * C to 37.5 * C), weakness, rapid fatigue and lethargy.

In the individual case, there may bethe following symptoms: due to a feeling of unease, a person can not ride a bus or sit in a hairdresser for a long time; It is quite difficult for a patient to cope with an unreasonable feeling of rage and a sense of gravity in his hands or feet.

The most unpleasant symptom is panic attacks, accompanied by sharp, short-term pain in the heart.

So, when the first symptoms appear, you needSeek qualified help from a therapist. The specialist will conduct a comprehensive study and prescribe the treatment that suits you. Vegeto vascular dystonia, the symptoms of which are very diverse, quite a complicated disease, causing the failure of all internal organs.

Treatment of the disease

Vegeto Vascular Dystonia Symptoms treatment requires a professional approach. In addition to the drugs, the doctor will choose a suitable diet, which will include products enriched with calcium and magnesium (buckwheat, apricots, parsley, nuts, eggplant, onions). To clean the entire body use infusion of milk or tea fungus.

An excellent tool to help cope with the disease - the daily use of freshly squeezed juices: grape, cranberry or apple.

It is recommended to take a bath with a small amount of natural oils - rose, fir, spruce, rosemary.

Daily use of fresh apples mainly in the morning, helps to replenish the body in the necessary trace elements.

However, in the presence of a diagnosis of vegetative vasculardystonia, patients are not recommended to perform complex physical exercises and dramatically change the position of the body. Perfectly restores vessels unhurried walking or swimming.

So, we considered only a secondarytreatment. Undoubtedly, the doctor watching you will write down the necessary recommendations, as well as medicines that will help get rid of the disease. Remember, timely access to a specialist is the key to successful treatment.

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