What is Zudeck's syndrome?

Syndrome Zudeka (aka dystrophy) impliesunder some changes in the tissues of a certain part of the body. The most common lesion is the joints of the lower / upper extremities. The disease also affects the skin, tissues, and even bones. This ailment was first described in detail in 1990 by the famous surgeon Paul Herman Martin Zudek. Let's take a closer look at this disease.

an itch syndrome
Syndrome Zudek. Symptomatology

At the first stage, patients tend to complainon limited mobility, swelling, and the skin becomes hot to the touch. The second stage already implies a change in the skin tone to bluish, swelling intensifies, muscle spasm is observed. Syndrome Zudek at the third and final stage simultaneously is characterized by loss of joint mobility and atrophy of some muscles. Each of the stages described above develops relatively quickly.

syndrome treatment
Syndrome Zudek. Causes

According to experts, this kind of diseasemost often due to several reasons. Firstly, because of the lesion of an injured bone or an excessive load on it. Secondly, with improperly applied bandages, there is a high probability of circulatory disturbances in a particular area of ​​the body and subsequent compression of tissues. In addition, experts have found that not the least role is played by the psychoemotional factor. A number of studies have confirmed the information that diseases are susceptible mainly to people who suffer from various phobias and are generally very sensitive to domestic situations.

Syndrome Zudek. Treatment

First of all, it should be noted that therapy depends on the stage of the disease.

zudeck syndrome treatment with folk remedies
Initially, the doctor must necessarilymake an X-ray and only after that prescribe the treatment itself. In the acute stage, the affected limb, as a rule, is immobilized by means of a special tire. Drug medications allow in the shortest possible time to normalize the tone of the entire autonomic nervous system. In the chronic course of the disease, so-called cryotherapy and even therapeutic gymnastics are often used to stimulate blood circulation. Some patients prefer not to seek qualified care for a disease such as Zudeck's syndrome. Treatment with folk remedies has recently gained universal popularity. However, in the science of "grandma's" recipes have not been confirmed, so in practice they are rarely used. To choose traditional or non-traditional medicine - to solve exclusively to you.

Preventive measures

Unfortunately, at the moment, specialists are notcan call effective and effective preventive means. It is simply recommended to be cautious and at the slightest suspicion of this ailment to seek qualified help from doctors. Only in this case it will be possible to avoid possible unpleasant consequences.

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