Vaccination of the child of the first year of life is a responsible activity

Vaccination of the child is apreventive measure aimed at the formation of immunity from these or other infectious diseases. For the first time it was started only about a century ago, but now it has managed to significantly reduce the incidence of many dangerous ailments.

Vaccination of a child

Among the main victories of vaccination can be notedthe fact that such a disease as smallpox is not found in the human population today. Previously, such an ailment carried away the lives of a huge number of people.

To do or not to do?

Just a few decades ago, young peopleparents did not even have a question about whether the child should be vaccinated. Now a fairly large number of dads and mothers decide to abandon all vaccinations. To a large extent, this is facilitated by the mass media, telling how someone suffered from vaccination. It is fair to say that after vaccination a person, and especially a child, may feel bad for a while. In addition, allergic reactions may occur to certain components of vaccines. In the vast majority of cases, all these side effects are very low. Serious complications can be observed in those people who were vaccinated at a time when they had an active inflammatory process.

Children's Vaccination Center


Vaccination of the child should be carried out only inif he did not have severe allergic reactions to similar vaccinations. In addition, as noted above, vaccination should not be carried out when the baby has an active inflammatory process in his body or if there is an exacerbation of a chronic illness. In this case, most often the vaccination of the child is not carried out until 1.5 weeks after recovery.

Where and when is the vaccination carried out?

Children of several days of age are vaccinateddirectly in the hospital. In the future this function falls on the pediatric polyclinic or the vaccination center for children. It should be noted that in the first case, the kids will be introduced a domestic drug. As for the specialized centers, here parents have the opportunity to take advantage of the achievements of foreign pharmaceuticals, however this service is paid.

Paid vaccination of children

Vaccination of children is carried out according to a certainplan - the calendar of vaccinations. According to him, babies are given a vaccine against hepatitis B after the birth within the first 24 hours. On the 3rd-7th day the vaccine is vaccinated against tuberculosis. The next time the child is vaccinated is when he is 1 month old (the second inoculation against hepatitis B). After that, take a break for 2 months. Then 3 vaccinations against 4 infections (pertussis, poliomyelitis, tetanus and diphtheria) are successively performed - on the 3rd, 4th or 5th, and also the 6th month of life. Later, at the age of 1,5 years, this vaccine is repeated. Before this happens, there are 2 more vaccinations. At 6 months, the child is given the 3rd vaccination against hepatitis B, and at the age of 1 he must be vaccinated against rubella, mumps, and measles.

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