Diseases of the joints - ancient disease

The wonderful natural joints in our body are the joints. They are 187 in the whole body. They create points of support and provide movement of the skeleton. Without them, we could not move, so if there are various joint diseases, then immediately deteriorating not only well-being, but also the quality of human life. What is the reason for the development of violations in their work? How is joint disease treated?

The joint has the following structure:

• Bones covered with cartilaginous tissue.

• An articular cavity, inside of which there is a synovial fluid (a unique joint lubricant).

• Joint capsule.

• Ligaments and muscles surrounding the joint from the outside. Perform the function of protection from adverse effects and the function of providing mobility of the joint.

Causes of joint disease

Although the factors causing damage to the joints are different, all the disorders can be divided into three groups:

• Arthritis - inflammatory diseases. First of all, the synovial membrane is affected, and only then the inflammation passes to the cartilage.

• Arthrosis - caused by degenerative-dystrophic joint changes. For these diseases, it is characteristic that the disorders begin with cartilage.

• Arthralgia - painful sensations in the joints.

According to some experts, from 5 to 10 percent of the world population suffer from any joint disease. The causes of such disorders are very diverse and have not been sufficiently studied.

It is established that among the factors influencing the occurrence of violations are the following circumstances:

• Infection.

• Allergies and autoimmune reactions of the body.

• Professional factors (profession of typist, driver, dancer are at risk of joint disease).

• Mechanical factors.

• The state of the vascular system.

The nature of pain and diagnosis

• If the patient feels acute pain at rest, then, most likely, this indicates that the patient has an inflammatory disease of the joints of the legs.

• Imminent blunt pain, which increases during movement, indicates a degenerative type of disease.

• Painful sensations during certain certain movements report that it is bursitis, periarthritis or tendovaginitis.

• Strengthening pain in the morning - rheumatoid arthritis, in the evening after physical exertion the condition worsens in patients with dystrophic arthritis.

If there are difficulties in the mobility of the joint, it is important to accurately determine the nature of the disorder:

• Sensation of general stiffness of movements against the background of pain.

• Persistent limitation of motion amplitude without pain.

The decisive importance in establishing the diagnosis andtreatment of the disease is the nature of the onset of illness. Usually, after infectious diseases, the first signs of rheumatoid arthritis appear after a while.

If the pain started during the illness, it is most likely an arthritis of an infectious-allergic nature.

Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by persistent persistent deterioration of the patient's condition. Arthrosis develops, as a rule, imperceptibly, without a visible cause.

Arthritis is always accompanied by external changesin the skin of the joints (swelling, redness, increased temperature around the joint, etc.). For arthralgia, such external manifestations of the disease are not inherent.

On the pathology in the joint, the crunch is heard, audible throughout the movement. In this case, the crunch is accompanied by pain. In healthy people, the crunch is not associated with painful sensations.

Do not let the state of your joints slide,If you find yourself in any of the above features. Only a doctor can diagnose accurately and tell how to cure joint diseases, prescribe physical therapy and physiotherapy procedures. Self-medication can be harmful.

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