Hemoglobin - it's just protein, or something more?

Hemoglobin is one of the components of ourblood, and if to be accurate to the end-iron-containing protein, responsible for the transport of blood from the lungs to tissues and organs. Proceeding from all the above, it can be concluded that the amount of oxygen in the cells of our body directly depends on the amount of hemoglobin in the blood.

hemoglobin is

It is worth recalling that hemoglobin isiron-containing protein, in turn, its level is associated with a sufficient amount of iron in the body. Deficiency of this trace element leads to such unpleasant consequences in the body as anemia. It is believed that the level of hemoglobin is also affected by vitamin B 12, folic acid, copper and zinc. A consequence of a deficiency of these trace elements may be a low hemoglobin, the consequences of which will have a negative effect on the general condition of a person.

So, from 130 to 160 g / l for men and from 120 to 140in women - the normal content of hemoglobin in the blood of adults. Deviations from the norm entail quite unpleasant, even uncomfortable sensations: lethargy and apathy, fatigue and shortness of breath, brittle hair and nails, a general decrease in immunity.

low hemoglobin effects

The most of the shortage of hemoglobin suffernamely women, this is due to the monthly loss of blood, delivery and feeding. Men suffer from anemia less often. Most often, reduced hemoglobin is a consequence of loss of blood. In other cases, scientists tend to regard anemia as a result of deteriorating ecology and unbalanced nutrition.

Nutrition can support a normalhemoglobin. All that is required for this is a balanced diet, with which a sufficient number of iron-containing products enter our body. Leaders in iron content can be called buckwheat and liver, and it is enough in beef, apples and cabbage. These foods are also rich in vitamin B 12, which also has a beneficial effect on hemoglobin levels.

It is worth mentioning the fact that the assimilation of ironpasses much more easily from products of animal origin, and with a sufficient amount of vitamin C. Therefore, eaten after dinner grapefruit or orange, will not only become a wonderful dessert, but also improve the process of assimilation of iron in the body.

normal hemoglobin
From vegetables and fruits to get iron to the bodymuch more difficult, but their effectiveness is also great. Leaders in the content of iron can be called some varieties of apples, pomegranate and persimmon. Enough iron in leaf salads, spinach and walnuts.

The degree of iron assimilation decreasesa decrease in the acidity of the stomach and an increased content of tannin in the diet. By the way, tannin is a part of caffeinated products (coffee, cocoa, tea), as a consequence, in case of anemia, you should limit the use of such drinks.

It is believed that to maintain normal hemoglobin -this is quite a feasible task for everyone. This can be achieved by correcting the supply. Get rid of anemia with a diet will not work, it will be necessary to introduce medication, but only after consulting a doctor. Do not self-medicate.

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