Ear otitis and its treatment

Ear infections are always unpleasant. Sometimes they arise as independent ailments, but in some cases they can be caused by something else. Inflammation of the ear can begin even because of the most common cold. Sometimes these inflammations do not go very long.

Are ear diseases dangerous? Yes, they are dangerous. Incorrect treatment can easily lead to the fact that a person will later have hearing problems. What is otitis media? This will be discussed below.

What is this ailment

Otitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in themiddle ear. The disease is, of course, unpleasant and can cause the hearing of a person to deteriorate. Otitis of the ear should be treated only by proven means and in a timely manner. Delays in treatment are unacceptable.

Otitis of the ear can cause such inflammation that external sound vibrations can not enter the brain. The main symptoms of otitis media are:

- pus in the ears;

- high temperature;

- earache.

Most often, ear otitis begins with a slight painshooting character. Children, as a rule, can not understand where it comes from. Their reaction is crying. After shooting, the temperature starts to rise. A few days later, pus will appear in the ear. Most often it flows through the tympanic membrane. For all this, the hearing does not always suffer.

In some cases, pus can not leaveear. In this case, infection may begin. It can even reach the brain. What can this lead to? It is not excluded that a person will have meningitis or an abscess of the brain.

As already mentioned, otitis media requiresimmediate treatment. Contact your doctor at the first signs. Timely treatment is the key to success. Complications with the right actions can be avoided.

Otitis during pregnancy requires even more thorough treatment. In pregnant women, the ailment can develop even faster. You should not even try to treat it yourself.

Otitis of the ear: treatment

In this case, a complextreatment. It is important that the process is fully controlled by the doctor. Self-medication can easily lead to complications. Start treatment on time - do not allow infection to enter the brain. The consequences can be very scary.

Diagnosis begins with an examination. Ear Otitis has much in common with some other ENT diseases, but it is not so difficult to recognize it. Otoscopy helps confirm the disease.

The patient is always assigned to bed rest. When complications arise, he must be immediately hospitalized. When otitis ear, you should eat only light foods that you do not need to chew - as a rule, chewing with this disease is very painful. Medication is prescribed by a doctor. In addition to taking medications, any procedures may be prescribed. Treatment is built according to the clinical course of the disease.

The most common complications of otitis media: rhinitis and sinusitis. They use drops for the nose, since there is a runny nose. Discharge from the lungs can enter the mouth. Swallowing them can not in any case - so they can get into the auditory tube. Strong blowing is also not recommended. Due to the otitis of the ear, the person can partially or even completely deafen.

Folk remedies for otitis treatment can be used as follows:

- tincture of mint (from its leaves);

- tincture, prepared from sweet nightshade;

- For acute otitis, it is recommended to use a calendula tincture.

Dry heating is also helpful.

Folk remedies are good, but still notdo self-medication. Moreover, it is not recommended to try to treat your children on their own. Remember that errors can lead to big problems and even irreversible consequences. A doctor is a specialist who understands medicine many times better than you. Trust him.

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