Otitis in children treatment

Sound enters the auricle through the outerpassage. There it is strengthened and approaches the eardrum, which separates the middle ear from the outer ear. They are located inside the skull under the protection of the temporal bone. The Eustachian tube connects the middle ear to the pharynx and serves to pass air and regulate pressures from both sides of the eardrum.

Causes of otitis media

Inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and decreasedchildren's immunity often lead to the transition of a cold from the nasopharynx into the auditory Eustachian tube. Inflammation of the middle ear is called otitis. The most common disease lies in the weakened and premature babies. The child may suddenly have a fever, but the baby can not say anything. He cries and pulls his ear, and if his mother wants to touch him, the crying intensifies.

Otitis: symptoms, treatment

The human ear is conditionally divided into three sections: the outer, the middle and the inner. Equally conditional divide and disease.

Otorhinolaryngitis is very rare in children. These are inflammatory changes in the skin of the ear and they do not directly affect the auditory abilities. Pain arises from the formation of an abscess, a furuncle that appears inside the ear canal.

In the main, in infants, infection passes fromnasopharynx through the Eustachian tube. The peculiarities of the structure of the middle ear in infants are such that the inflammation easily penetrates and causes otitis media. Treatment of otitis media is best conducted under the supervision of a children's ENT doctor. He will conduct all the examinations with the help of special medical instruments, check the integrity of the tympanic membrane, determine the presence of purulent inflammation.

In young children, the disease comes suddenly. In the evening the baby falls asleep and everything is normal, and at night it wakes up from the heat and pains in the ear. When there was a suspicion of otitis in children, treatment should be carried out without wasting time. It is necessary to give an analgesic and tablets from the heat. In the inflammatory process, the temperature of the baby can be very high, up to 40 OC. As an external painkiller, you can advise moistening a small cotton swab in a solution of novocaine and insert into the ear. Also, a well-pressed piece of cotton wool soaked in vodka is used.

To relieve pain, it is recommended thatwarming compress. To do this, put a piece of compress paper on top of a piece of dense cloth, moistened with vodka and a well-pressed gauze, followed by a piece of cotton wool for thermal insulation. Heat will reduce pain. It is necessary to apply a compress carefully, so that tender baby skin does not get burned.

When the diagnosis of otitis in children is established,treatment is carried out using antibiotics, but if the heat does not subside for four days, then a simple operation is performed - paracentesis. This is a small incision to release the pus formed, which accumulates behind the eardrum. Carry out incision is a doctor in a polyclinic. Usually after this, the child begins to recover.

When otitis begins in children, treatment,conducted in a timely manner, will prevent the development of a purulent process. For this it is recommended not to postpone treatment of the common cold and inflammation of the adenoids. It is necessary to gargle with a soda solution and a drop of iodine. All this is done in order to try to remove the source of infection, penetrating into the ear. Note that infection can spread to the other ear.

After the treatment the childrecovers, but it is equally important not to allow a relapse of the disease. So, if there was otitis in children, whose treatment gave the desired result, and the child recovered, now the primary task will be to strengthen his immune system so that the body can resist colds and inflammatory processes.

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