Trisomy 21: normal performance

Trisomy - the presence of several or one extra chromosome in the chromosome set. The most common variant is the presence of an extra chromosome in the 13th, 18th and 21st chromosome.

trisomy 21

Down Syndrome

The second name of this disease is trisomy. The first to investigate it in his practice and described Dr. Lengdon Down in 1866. The doctor correctly stated the main underlying symptoms, but he could not correctly determine the cause of this syndrome. Scientists were able to uncover the mystery of trisomy 21 only in 1959. Then it was found that this disease has a genetic origin. Copies of 21 chromosome genes are responsible for the characteristics of the syndrome, namely the presence of an extra chromosome leads to such a pathology. It is known that each human cell contains twenty-three pairs of chromosomes. The first half goes through the egg from the mother, and the second - through the sperm from the father. But sometimes a failure occurs, and the chromosome may not separate, so one of the parents can get an extra unit. It is worth noting that boys and girls suffer from Down syndrome the same way. The geographical position of parents also does not matter. According to statistics, for eight hundred children one suffers from trisomy 21.

trisomy 21 norm

Causes and risk of trisomy 21. The standard of risk indicators

The reasons for the development of Down's syndromestudied. Scientists still argue about this pathology. The only thing they agree on is that trisomy 21 occurs as a result of the failure of numerous interactions between individual genes. And that it is not a hereditary disease. There is also a certain pattern: if the mother's age exceeds 35 years, the occurrence of this pathology increases by three percent. And the more the age of the woman giving birth, the higher the risk that the baby will have trisomy 21. Thus, the risk of giving birth to a sick child in women of twenty-five years is 1 child per 1250 children, and after forty - 1 child for 30 newborns. It should be noted that the age of the father does not affect the onset of the disease. A woman with Down syndrome can give birth to a sick child with a probability of fifty percent, men with this disease are infertile. In parents having a child with this pathology, the risk of trisomy 21 in a second child is one percent.

trisomy 21 normal indicators

Methods for determining chromosomal abnormalities

Every woman planning a pregnancy,worries about the health of the future baby. Modern medicine makes it possible to recognize many pathologies of child development in the womb. As mentioned above, the expected risk of trisomy 21 multiplies with the increase in the age of the parturient. Because those women, whose age is at risk, appoint screening in the first trimester of pregnancy. But not only age can become the reason why the doctor has fears that the fetus may develop trisomy 21. The norm at which the analysis is assigned is:

  • congenital pathologies in past pregnancies, in particular chromosomal pathologies;
  • the presence of unexplained pregnancies;
  • presence of serious congenital diseases among relatives;
  • the transferred infectious diseases on early terms of pregnancy;
  • radiation exposure;
  • birth of the first child with this syndrome;
  • Adoption in the early stages of drugs with teratogenic effect.

The blood is taken for analysis and thenthe test sample is placed in a special apparatus with the help of which a pathology is detected. Indirect signs also determine trisomy 21, normal indicators are taken into account on a par with other objective factors. These include: the age of the mother, the weight, the presence of fruit, the absence or presence of bad habits, and others. And only after the full examination was completed, all the risks were calculated, and the indicator "trisomy 21" is confirmed - the woman is invited to consult a gynecologist, where she is told about the suspicion of having Down's syndrome in a future baby. A woman may decide to terminate her pregnancy. But only the results of screening can not give a 100% diagnosis. If the analysis gives a positive result, the doctor, as a rule, appoints a chorion puncture.

risk of trisomy 21

Symptoms and signs of Down syndrome manifestation

As a rule, trisomy 21 is detected in the first minutes of a baby's life. There are a number of external signs, according to which the doctor can make this diagnosis. These include:

  • short neck, flat nose and face, small mouth, large, usually sticking out tongue, Mongoloid eye section, small deformed ears;
  • irregular sky, tongue with grooves, flat bridge of nose;
  • Short and wide arms, palms with one fold, shortened phalanx of the middle finger;
  • white patches on the iris of the eyes;
  • small body weight;
  • very weak muscle tone;
  • curvature of the chest.

Pathology of internal organs

We can say that in people who have been diagnosed with "trisomy 21", the rate of concomitant diseases is as follows:

  • congenital heart defects;
  • various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • the risk of cancer is much higher than in healthy people;
  • deafness;
  • impaired vision;
  • apnea;
  • obesity;
  • constipation;
  • infantile spasms;
  • Alzheimer's disease.
    risk of trisomy 21 norm

Trisomy 21. Normal indicators of psycho-emotional manifestation

Perhaps the most common disorder inchildren with whom such a diagnosis is made is a violation of psycho-emotional development. People with the pathology of trisomy 21 are difficult to learn, they are not sociable, they can hardly master speech. Often such children are either hyperactive, or completely unsociable. These people are very vulnerable to depression. But it should be noted that such children are very affectionate, obedient and attentive. They are also called "solar children".

Treatment of Down's Syndrome

Unfortunately, this pathology for today'stime is incurable. The only thing that can help such people is to treat the concomitant diseases. Thus, you can extend the life of "sunny people" and improve the quality of life.

expected risk of trisomy 21

Forecast of Down's Syndrome

Lately the life expectancy of peoplewith pathology in 21 chromosomes increased sharply. All thanks to better quality of examinations and treatment. A person with such a syndrome can qualitatively live up to fifty five or more years. Through integration into society, people with Down's syndrome can live a full life, children can go to regular schools. To date, a lot of people are known who managed to make a big contribution to public life and even become famous.

Trisomy 21

Practical advice for parents of "sunny" children

Parents who are informed that their childsick with Down's syndrome, there are many questions related to the further care and upbringing of the child. Until recently, in our society, we have been prejudiced against such people. This attitude is due to lack of information. But lately, more and more information has been received by the public about people who are somewhat different from us. Now a large number of centers are being created, in which parents with their "sunny children" can come. In them they not only share their successes and experiences, but also teach children to adapt to everyday difficulties and join modern society. It is important to deal not only with the child's mental development, but also with the physical. Good results are given by physical activities and occupational therapy. It is necessary to train the child to self-service. It is very important to engage in a "solar" child from infancy. There are many methods for developing such children. And if close people help the kid to cope with his own peculiarity, then the chances are that the child will not differ in anything from his peers. He can not only go to a regular school, but also get a profession, and thus become a full member of society.

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