Determining the blood type of a child by the blood of parents - why is it necessary?

Know the blood group of a child is a dutyparents. First of all, in case he needs an immediate transfusion. In the overwhelming majority of modern maternity hospitals, newborns are given a blood sample, and the result is recorded on the card. But this is when the child has already been born. Some curious young parents are just wondering what kind of group their offspring will be living with, some want to harmonize their eating habits with the child's ability to perceive them - Ayurvedic practices correlate nutrition with the blood group.

blood type determination

We will not mention sad situations whenthe future pope doubts his paternity. However, if you first determine the blood type of the child by the blood of the parents, you can receive confirmation of doubt or refutation. But not always.

"Blood" groups in humans

It's clear, in order to use the technique,on which the blood type of the child is determined by the blood of the parents, it is necessary at least to know the group and the rhesus in the latter. Groups only 4; By the most common system today, they are encoded by the symbols AB0. Rhesus - two (positive and negative). Both the rhesus and the group are inherited in the same way as the rest of the genetic traits. Previously, the "from hand to hand" method was used to distribute tables on which it was possible to calculate the status of an intravenous fluid. Now the definition of blood type of a child by blood of parents has become much easier: you can try to calculate the group of the planned child right now on this table.

Probabilistic calculation for a group of parents

I (00)II (A0)I I (AA)I I I (B0)I I I (BB)IV (AB)
I (00)I (00) 100%

I (00) - 50%

I I (A0) 50%

II (A0) 50%

I (00) 50%

I I I (B0) 50%

I I I (B0) 50%

IV (AB) 50%

II (A0) 50%

I I I (B0) 50%

II (A0)

I (00) 50%

II (A0) 50%

I (00) 25%

II (A0) 50%

II (AA) 25%

II (A0) 50%

II (AA) 50%

I (00) 25%

II (A0) 25%

I I I (B0) 25%

IV (AB) 25%

III (B0) 50%

II (A0) 25%

II (AA) 25%

I I I (B0) 25%

IV (AB) 25%

II (AA)II (A0) 100%

II (A0) 50%

II (AA) 50%

II (AA) 100%

II (A0) 50%

IV (AB) 50%

IV (AB) 100%

II (AA) 25%

I I I (B0) 25%

I I I (B0)

I (00) 50%

I I I (B0) 50%

I (00) 25%

II (A0) 25%

I I I (B0) 25%

IV (AB) 25%

II (A0) 50%

IV (AB) 50%

I (00) - 25%

I I I (B0) 50%

I I I (BB) 25%

I I I (B0) 50%

I I I (BB) 50%

II (A0) 25%

I I I (B0) 25%

I I I (BB) 25%

IV (AB) 25%

III (BB)I I I (B0) 50%

I I I (B0) 50%

IV (AB) 50%

IV (AB) 100%

I I I (B0) 50%

I I I (BB) 50%

III (BB) 100%

I I I (BB) 50%

IV (AB) 50%


II (A0) 50%

I I I (B0) 50%

II (A0) 25%

II (AA) 25%

III (B0) 25%

IV (AB) 25%

II (AA) 25%

I I I (B0) 25%

II (A0) 25%

I I I (B0) 25%

I I I (BB) 25%

IV (AB) 25%

I I I (BB) 50%

IV (AB) 50%

II (AA) 25%

I I I (BB) 25%

IV (AB) 50%

determination of blood type of child

Nuances of calculations

It is useless to apply to all calculation methods,if in a married couple someone has a third positive, and the second partner has a second one with a negative Rh factor. They have equal chances to get a descendant with any group. And if the definition of a blood type of a child by the blood of his parents was carried out by the pope out of a feeling of jealousy and vague suspicions, then all efforts will not confirm, and will not refute them.

This method will not help anything even whenblood was poured (especially in large quantities), or if there are so-called "blood chimeras" in the body. The consequences of both of them give incorrect results, and the determination of the blood type of the child by the blood of the parents is not authentic.

blood type determination by parents

There is one more option, in which the methodology is notis triggered. True, it is typical only for residents of hot India, but where is the guarantee that no one your ancestor was born by an Indian? Such an exception was called the "bomboy phenomenon": with it, the child's genes contain both antigen A and antigen B, and their blood does not contain. What are the forecasts ...

Soft advice

If you understand, then simple curiosity orThe desire to accustom a child to vegetarianism can wait until delivery. The definition of the blood group of a child (still unborn) makes sense only in the case of a rhesus-conflict between him and his mother. But doctors cope with it. And all the rest will be postponed until discharge from the hospital.

For suspicious

You can only sympathize with those who arethe threshold of paternity is tormented by doubts and suspicions. Do not spoil relations with your wife just because your calculations did not coincide with the result. First, no one is immune to errors. Secondly, calculations - calculations, but the analyzes are more reliable. Thirdly, the definition of the blood group by parents is not enough for the charges. If you are so suspicious, you will have to turn to DNA analysis. Naturally, when the child is already born.

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