With a disease like arthritis, the knee joint is often affected

One of the most common diseasesjoints is arthritis. The knee joint is most often affected, because it is one of the largest and is experiencing the most severe stress. In recent years, even children suffer from arthritis, it can occur in the presence of infectious diseases or trauma. Due to malnutrition and a lack of minerals, this disease is noticeable

arthritis of the knee joint
has become younger, is often found not only in the elderly, but also in people 20-30 years of age.

What are the symptoms of arthritis?

How can you tell if you have arthritis? The knee joint at this disease loses its mobility, swells and hurts. There may be redness of the skin and a local increase in temperature. The most severe pains are most often in the mornings, when even a man can not get out of bed. Sometimes the pain is episodic, but in severe cases, joint destruction leads to severe limp and limited mobility.

Pain is worse after exercise, sometimes the kneecan be ill constantly. As the development of the joint can be deformed and swollen. The general condition of the patient also worsens: there are headaches, weakness, the temperature can rise. Usually arthritis affects not one joint, except for the knees, the joints of the hands can get sick.

Why arthritis develops?

The knee joint can become inflamed after the infectious

medication for arthritis of the knee joint
diseases, most often after the flu, butdefeat can cause mumps, rubella or chicken pox. Arthritis can develop after trauma, hypothermia or increased physical exertion. Frequent causes of inflammation in recent times are stress and neurosis.

Rheumatoid arthritis, which affects immediatelya few joints, most often appears from the lack of mineral substances, the violation of metabolic processes and blood circulation, with hereditary predisposition. And gouty arthritis, which occurs most often in the elderly, is caused by the deposition of uric acid crystals in the joint.

Medical treatment of knee arthritis

In the early stages of the disease, methods are effectivetreatment, based on the restoration of joint mobility and the removal of inflammation. The patient is shown physiotherapeutic procedures, for example UHF or electrophoresis, massage and physiotherapy exercises. Observance of a special diet and exercise regimen can also help to cure arthritis. The knee joint can be fixed with special

arthritis medications for the knee joint
tires, knee pads or elastic bandages. This reduces the load and does not interfere with the restoration of the joint.

But before applying these methods of treatment, you needrelieve pain. Most often, the drugs "Aspirin", "Ibuprofen", "Voltaren" or "Metindol" are used for this. Which medications for arthritis of the knee joint are applied yet? Chondroprotectors are very effective, which help to restore cartilaginous tissue. Injections of corticosteroids are also used, which relieve inflammation and reduce swelling.

Very often people do not know for a long time that they havearthritis. The knee joint aches a bit in the morning or after an overexertion. But after painkillers everything goes away. Such an attitude can lead to joint destruction and irreversible changes in the cartilaginous tissue. Therefore, when there are incomprehensible pains, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor.

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