How to get rid of stretch marks? Effective folk remedies

A beautiful body always evoked admiring glancesbut how to achieve and maintain the perfect form? How to get rid of the stretch, which does not adorn the figure at all? To achieve a beautiful appearance it is necessary to use various methods, because only in a complex it is possible to achieve good results. This article will tell you how to get rid of stretch marks with folk remedies, the advantages of which are naturalness and accessibility.

how to get rid of stretching

What is stretching?

Stretch marks are light scars on the body. The reasons for their occurrence include multiple factors, but first of all they appear as a result of a sudden weight gain or weight loss, during pregnancy, as well as in heavy sports. The body with such strips does not look very attractive, and, of course, I want to get rid of these troubles as quickly as possible. The best is to treat fresh and shallow stretches, for them various folk remedies will be effective. But older scars need to be removed with the help of various cosmetic preparations, laser peeling, mesotherapy or other modern technologies.

get rid of stretch marks at home

Preventive maintenance of stretch marks during pregnancy

This position of a woman as a pregnancy,undoubtedly, is an excellent condition, but sometimes you have to experience some unpleasant moments in changing the figure or losing elasticity and elasticity of the skin. To later not to think how to get rid of stretching, it is necessary to take care of such problem areas as the chest, abdomen, thighs, in the beginning of this period, after all, scars are formed on them most often. To do this, you should lubricate the body with cosmetic oils and creams that will promote skin elasticity and will prevent stretch marks during the period of bearing of the child. In addition, it is useful to wear special underwear, it can become a good prevention of skin strains. As well as the elasticity and elasticity of it contributes to the contrast shower and peelings with a glove.

How to get rid of stretching

A good procedure for removing stretch marksthe body is the use of a special scrub. To make it, you should take one glass of salt and sugar and add one hundred grams of olive oil, you can use it every day, and after a month the scars will become less noticeable.

how to get rid of stretch marks with folk remedies
Eliminate stretch marks at home will help olive,orange and almond oils, they should be rubbed into the skin with massage movements, this procedure must be performed after the shower. Another healing composition that smooths the skin and removes stretch marks is oil from wheat growth. It positively influences the condition of the skin, giving it elasticity and beauty due to the high content of vitamin E. An effective remedy in this problem will be a healing mummy. To do this, dissolve just one gram of the drug in a teaspoon of boiled water and mix with baby cream. Store such a cooked product in the refrigerator. Classes in various sports, proper nutrition, weight monitoring will create a harmonious and beautiful figure, and then there will be no need to think how to get rid of stretching.

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