The drug "Teturam": reviews and description

The drug "Teturam" is part of a group of drugs that are designed to combat alcoholism. The main effect of the drug is to remove alcohol dependence.

teturam reviews
It allows you to remove harmful substances and stops alcohol intoxication.

The preparation "Teturam": description and composition

The medicine is widely used as aan effective agent that cleanses and stabilizes the body's work after prolonged use of alcohol (binge). The medication is in the form of tablets. The basic substance acts disulfiram auxiliaries - aerosil, stearic acid, starch.

Pharmacological actions of the drug "Teturam"

Reviews of many people say about the effectivenessfacilities. Indeed, it helps at different stages of alcoholism. Under the influence of active substances in the body there is a change in the processes of alcohol oxidation. The medicine initiates a tetramic reaction, manifestations of which become alcohol intolerance, dyspnea, fever, depressed state, increased heart rate.

 toturam and alcohol
During therapy with Teturam (reviewspatients confirm this) it is forbidden to drink any drinks that contain alcohol. The main pharmacological action is the removal of alcohol dependence, increased sensitivity to alcoholic beverages, vasodilation, elimination of symptoms of alcohol syndrome.

Indications for taking medication "Teturam"

Reviews of patients say that the drug is effectiveeven at a severe chronic stage of the disease. He develops a reflex reaction, causing a non-acceptance of alcohol. Doctors prescribe a medicine for the treatment and prevention of alcohol dependence and intoxication. Also, the tablets are taken as a cleansing and vasodilating agent.

Contraindications to taking the drug "Teturam"

tetours description

Comments of doctors indicate inadmissibility of admissionmedicines for hypersensitivity and intolerance to tablets. It is forbidden to use medicines for brain diseases, for people with severe stages of cardiovascular pathologies, for abnormalities in the work of the brain. Contraindications include tuberculosis, asthma, emphysema, epilepsy, peptic ulcer, diabetes, neuritis, glaucoma, mental illness. Pregnancy and lactation are also included in the list of bans. When implementing the implantation of tablets, rejection is possible, which manifests itself in the form of collapse, cerebral edema, arrhythmia, infarction, suppuration. Implants have a permanent anti-alcohol effect.

Side effects of the medicine "Teturam"

Patients' comments warn that possibleunpleasant manifestations during the reception of tablets. Sometimes there is a bitter taste in the mouth, memory disorder, headache, dizziness, anxiety, insomnia. The main side manifestations are allergic reactions: dermatitis, bronchospasm, edema, rash, urticaria. Also, remember that the drug "Teturam" and alcohol are not compatible.

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