Up to what age does a person grow? Growth program

Up to what age does a person grow? Science can not answer this question with precision. Everyone in his development is individual and not similar to others. However, nevertheless there is an average indicator that indicates to what age a person grows and forms - this is 25 years.

up to what age a person grows
Growth program

Scientists and doctors say that each of ushas its own, so-called growth program, which begins to function even at the stage of intrauterine development. In adults with a growth below the average, this program is not properly implemented, which can be due to various causes: malnutrition, chronic diseases, etc. That is, it can be said that growth is in some ways an indicator of health (in the absence of a genetic predisposition).

It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of whether toof what age a person grows, because the organism undergoes growth all the time, only in different periods its rates are different. It is very important for children to eat properly and balanced, so that all systems and organs are properly formed and fully developed. With a shortage of nutrients, the body will direct them only to where they are vital, and growth can be deprived. It's not for nothing that low people are told that they ate a little cereal in their childhood.

Hormones of growth

up to what age a person grows
In general, the growth process is generally consideredhopping. Then to what age does the person grow? The child is divided into three main periods of intensive lengthening: the very first year of life, 4-5 years of age and the adolescent stage, during which puberty begins. Races of hormones attract not only external changes, but also lead to the appearance of psychological problems. Lurking in this and some other dangers. If a child produces sex hormones in excessive quantities, the so-called growth zones may close earlier. In this case, the person will be short. Although the lack of hormones will lead to the same consequences.

Up to what age does a woman grow?

A splash of hormones literally in a couple of years turnsgirl in a developed girl with pronounced feminine forms. Such a transformation happens on average 11-13 years. And by the age of 15-16 the girl has reached the final growth. Further the organism develops, to prepare the future mother for bearing and childbirth.

How old does a man grow up to?

At boys the teenage period comesa little later - in 13-14 years. At this time, they are growing rapidly, extending for about two years by about 10 cm. Growth processes last up to 20 years. But it also happens that a man grows up to 30 years.

up to what age does the man grow up
Effect of heredity

The extent to which a person grows up is inevitabledepends also on heredity. This factor can not be affected, it is laid by everyone in the growth program. Heredity determines growth as a whole by 90%, and only the remaining 10% are external factors, such as nutrition, ecology, etc. If the child has a mom and dad high, then he will most likely be high. And vice versa. In general, people continue to grow up to 40 years. Only outwardly such changes are almost imperceptible.

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