How to plant garlic for winter is correct. Advices for experienced truck farmers

In our country, garlic is used for foodpractically no residue: its young leaves are used in the preparation of many dishes or simply served as a garnish; denticles are used for conservation, and for consumption in fresh form, and the arrows are marinated. But only not everyone can grow a rich crop of this plant. And all because of the fact that few know how to plant garlic for the winter correctly.

how to plant garlic for the winter

Basic rules of winter sowing

Experienced gardener talk about what is bestLate varieties of garlic are suitable for winter crops. It is in them that the most trace elements are stored, and hence the new head will grow strong and healthy. It is necessary to choose the largest and undamaged teeth.

Now about when to put garlic. It is understandable that winter sowing is carried out in autumn, but in which month it depends on the specific area of ​​residence. After all, somewhere in the winter comes in November, and somewhere strong frosts and snow should not wait until January. In any case, the planting of garlic for the winter should not be carried out before mid-September and after the first decade of December. But when you plant garlic in the fall, you should decide on your own, taking into account the weather conditions in your region of residence.

Another important point is the additional disinfection of the seed. Experienced truck farmers are strongly recommended to carry out additional processing three days before the landing of garlic.

when to plant garlic in autumn
The selected teeth are placed in a concentratedsolution of manganese and leave in it for 30 minutes. Then they are removed and allowed to dry thoroughly. The landing can be carried out after 72 hours. The distance between the teeth is about 4-6 cm, and between the rows - no more than 10 cm, but not less than 4 cm.

It should be remembered that if you want to get a really rich harvest, then you should use only that seed material that is ideal for your climate.

Soil preparation rules

So, if directly with how to plantgarlic for the winter, we figured out, now we need to talk about how to properly prepare the soil for his landing. First of all, it should be remembered that two years in a row this plant can not be planted in the same place. This is due to the fact that garlic becomes more vulnerable to pests and diseases. And also in the earth already there is not enough of necessary nutrients.

Secondly, choose a place for planting should be no less than a week. The earth needs to be dug and fertilized ideally with organic. But here you should be careful and do not overdo it with top dressing.

when you need to plant garlic
But, talking about how to plant garlic for the winter,one can not help saying about what soil it is better not to plant at all. It will not be possible to get a good harvest if the crop was planted in clay or loamy soil. It is too heavy and does not contain minerals in the right amount.

Basics of caring for winter garlic

But little to know about how to plant garlic for the winter. It is also necessary to have reliable information about the rules of care for it. By and large, everything is simple. After the appearance of resistant shoots, the beds should be weeded. As for irrigation, before the appearance of arrows it must be daily and abundant. Only in this case it is possible to count on getting large and healthy heads of garlic. In addition, it is not necessary to feed this plant, but only if the soil has been fertilized before planting.

Despite the fact that the landing of garlic for the winter onthe first look seems difficult, in fact it is far from the case. Following all of the above tips, you can easily grow this plant on your site.

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