What to plant in the autumn at the cottage gardener amateur: useful tips

Spring - the most stressful time for a summer resident, onThis season accounts for most of the work on the cultivation of land, planting and growing plants, protecting them from diseases and pests. However, the period from September to October is also not completely unloaded. Therefore, if you are interested in what trees can be planted in the fall, you will find the answer in this article. First of all, it is worthwhile to dwell on fruit plants: it is apple, plum, pear, cherry. They can be transported to the open ground in the spring, before the buds blossom, then they get better. For the storage of planting material, it is recommended to dig it into the ground from autumn, horizontally to it. So the plants will be protected from frost.

what plants are planted in autumn

About that, what saplings put in the autumn, it is possibleGather information on the pages of specialized magazines. Suitable for planting in the autumn months are shrubs: raspberries, currants, gooseberries. This time is most favorable for their breeding, since they have a very early growing season.

For fruit plants (apple, sweet cherry, pear andetc.) two weeks before planting, pits are prepared with a diameter of 60 to 100 cm, and depths from 60 to 70 cm. Organic fertilizers: peat, manure, last year's foliage and straw should be used in them. On the contrary, minerals are not recommended to be added. On your choice of what to plant in the autumn in the country, should be influenced not only by their own preferences, but also the features of plant development. From the point of view of professionals, autumn is the most favorable time for the cultivation of almost all fruit trees and shrubs. Also during this period, cold-resistant crops are sown under winter: radish, beets, winter garlic, parsley, carrots, dill.

which trees can be planted in autumn

It would seem, to determine what to plant in the fall ondacha, it is quite simple. But, choosing plants, should be considered and how they will coexist with each other. Their compatibility is studied by specialists. They found that, for example, the pear is quite compatible with a black mountain ash, and the apple tree, but does not tolerate cherry, hawthorn and viburnum, juniper. The vicinity of the cherry is not necessary to place plum, plum or apricot, otherwise they will be poorly developed.

what to plant in the autumn in the country

The fact that planting in the autumn at the dacha willsuggest not only gardeners, but also landscape designers. Since this period is suitable for cultivating ornamental shrubs, they will give your site charm. Selecting the planting material of fruit or ornamental plants to decorate the garden, it is necessary to pay attention to the composition of the soil, its humidity and the illumination of the site chosen for planting. When growing different varieties and varieties of plants must take into account their requirements. So, if you decided that planting in autumn in the country house you need a plum, apple tree and pear tree, then you need to select a sunny place for them. They will develop beautifully on the south or south-west side of the garden. As a result, you will get a rich harvest. For fruit bushes, such as raspberries, black currants, gooseberries, shade is also suitable. If the site is small, then plants are planted on it stepwise, so that they do not interfere with each other.

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