Gymnastics after sleep in the middle group. Complex of health improving gymnastics for children

Each kindergarten has its own complexmeasures for working with young children. In this case, we are talking about an event like gymnastics after sleep in the middle group. What is this physical load? And what exercises are included in the complex?

gymnastics after sleep in the middle group

Why do I need children's gymnastics?

Charging, like any other physical training,is necessary for the normal activity of the child. To this end, many pre-school establishments organize physical training, time for the development of physical endurance of children. The optimal time for charging is considered to be early morning. Important is the invigorating gymnastics or after a sleep in the middle group. It relieves sleepiness, leads all the muscles of the body into tone, develops mindfulness and improves mood.

What are the features of gymnastics for children of the middle group?

The main feature of gymnastic exercisesafter a child's dream it is believed that they are launching a work to restore the body, aimed at the final awakening from sleep. Those. children who have just woken up are most likely to be physically stressed. All movements in this kind of gymnastic exercises are performed without sudden movements. Some of them work exclusively with breathing, others are aimed at restoring muscle tone, preventing posture and flat feet.

middle class occupation

The effectiveness of each of the exercises directlydepends on the mentor's psychological attitude, and also on his manner of giving gymnastics. Therefore, to improve the effect of charging, it is recommended to perform all gymnastic elements in a game form and with the appropriate sound accompaniment.

Breathing exercises

Gymnastics after sleep in the middle group caninclude various exercises. For example, it can be special breathing techniques. One such exercise is an exercise called "Flight to the Moon".

During its execution, children are offered, notgetting up from the bed, take a breath (you can deep) through your nose and through your mouth - exhale. Then it is necessary to spread your legs widely, and your hands to clench your fists and place them gently before your breasts. When inhaling, do not change the position of the body, when exhaling, it is recommended to start the rotation of the bent hands, while keeping them at the chest level. Such movements must be repeated 4-6 times.

Another exercise that includesgymnastics after sleep in the middle group, is considered "Flight on a rocket". It is based on the right breaths and exhalations. To perform it, you must kneel and raise your hands up. Then you need to connect the free palms over your head and inhale, and then exhale. Moreover, it is necessary to exhale with a certain delay. There should be a long exhalation, accompanied by light wiggles from one side to the other. Transfer the weight of the body from one leg to the other and say a lingering sound: "Uh-uuu." Ideally, repeat the exercise is recommended 4-6 times.

gymnastics after a day's sleep

The next exercise is called in the everyday life "Putting onspace suit. " To do this, you must first squat, then lock your hands over your head and inhale. After that, exhale and dilute your hands to the sides, uttering the word "Chick". Do this action 5-6 times.

Sports activity in the middle group can bebegin with such a simple breathing exercise as "Journey in the Lunokhod". To do this, you need to stand on the floor, legs to place at the shoulder level, and hands spread along the body. Take a breath and perform a squat (it needs to be done as deep as possible). Squatting, say: "Uh-h!" Repeat 5-6 times.

Another exercise included in the complexgymnastics after a dream, is called "Lunatics". To do this, the children need to kneel down, bend their arms in the elbows and spread them to the sides, while spreading their fingers apart. Make a long exhalation and a short breath. Say: "He-and-hee" - and repeat the exercise 2-4 times.

Exercises for awakening

The main advantage of charging for children,performed after sleep, is that many exercises are performed directly directly in bed. Children do not even need to get up - such exercises are performed from the prone position.

complex of gymnastics after a day's sleep

For this it is necessary to lie more comfortably on the back,take a breath and exhale, move your toes and hands, pinch your fingers tightly, bend your arms in the elbows, lift them over your head and connect them to the lock. Stretch out. Lower your hands. Pull the right leg to the side, straighten the heel and sock to yourself. Do the same with the left foot. Connect both legs together and stretch again.

Lie on your back. Pull your arms out to the sides. Lean both hands against each other and rub them until they feel warm. Lift both legs up and perform the exercise "Bike", figuratively twisting the pedals in the air. Lower your legs and arms. Arrange them widely. Connect together, then disconnect. Exercise should be done simultaneously with hands and feet. Repeat 2-4 times.

Turn over on the stomach. Put your hands under your chin, and lift your legs slightly and make them a few movements in the air (remotely, these actions resemble a floating person). Raise your hands and make them "scissors". The first and second exercise repeat 5-6 times.

complex of gymnastics after sleep

Stretching after charging

After a short workout, a lesson in the middlethe group is recommended to finish with a small stretch. To do this, the children lie on their backs, the right hand takes the left knee, turns to the right side (until the foot touches the bed) and stretches. Return to the original position. The same must be repeated with the right foot, turning in the opposite direction.

Exercises near the bed

In addition to exercises in bed, gymnastics afterday sleep includes several elements that are performed while standing on the floor. It is necessary to start the complex with walking on the spot. For a full-fledged effect, it is recommended to include calm neutral music. Walk for 1 minute.

Place your feet shoulder width apart. Hands descend freely along the trunk. On the account of "times" - hands take out ahead and make a cotton over your head. On account of "two" - return your hands to their original position. Repeat 4-5 times.

Put your hands on your waist and start pacing, lifting your knees up (as high as possible). Repeat 5 times.

Lower your legs and scoop up your hands with air. Inhale and exhale. Set the legs to the width of the shoulders. Pull your hands up. At the "time" jump and at the same time make a clap. On the "two" - go back to the original pose. Exhale and exhale.

gymnastics after sleeping in the dhow

Exercises with a soft rug

Sometimes gymnastics in kindergarten providesuse a variety of improvised parts. For example, the most common attribute for charging are rugs with hard nap. For this purpose, a rubberized mat, usually used for cleaning shoes in the hallway, is perfect.

Exercise is walking on hard pilethe rug. It helps children, on the one hand, to finally wake up, and on the other hand, during the training, an involuntary foot massage is performed. Recall that it is on the human foot that there is the largest accumulation of active points responsible for the performance of various organs.

Stand right in front of the bed. Hands bend at the elbows. On the account of "one" - step on the mat with one foot. At the expense of "two" - step on the surface of the second leg. At the expense of three - return one leg to the starting position. At the expense of four - the second. Repeat the exercise 7-10 times.

gymnastics in kindergarten

Fizkultminutka with the ball

Complex of gymnastics after a day's sleep caninclude exercise with the ball. It is performed standing near the bed. Stand up straight. Lean over and take the ball. Raise your hands with the ball up, creating a kind of arch. Alternately lean with the ball to the left and right side. Repeat 5 times in each direction.

After doing the exercises do not forget how toshould be stretched. Lightly shake hands, feet. All exercises that include gymnastics after sleeping in the DOW can be accompanied by a clerk's cotton or performed under the music familiar to the children.

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