Training bouts for how many before the birth begin?

All women know perfectly well what precedence isbirth is the appearance of labor. As a result of the contractions of the uterus, its neck opens, through which the baby appears. Since the middle of the pregnancy period, women often feel training fights. For how many before the birth, they arise and how to recognize them, described in this article.

Training bouts - the norm or reason to sound an alarm?

The uterus is an organ consisting of muscle tissue. Its abbreviations are a natural physiological process. During pregnancy, the uterus may contract, but women often do not notice.

Even long before pregnancy, pregnant women can feelaching pain in the abdomen. In this case, the uterus during palpation can then harden, then relax. The resulting spasm resembles prenatal fights, but in fact the body is only preparing for childbirth. In this case, the cervix does not open.

For the first time, training fights were described inlate XIX century British gynecologist named John Braxton-Hicks, after whom they are named. Another common name for training cuts is false fights.

Doctors of some countries consider training fights as a threat of premature birth and at the first symptoms hospitalize a woman to stop the activity of the uterus and relax her muscles.

Braxton-Hicks contractions are a natural physiological process, indicating that the pregnant woman's body is preparing for childbirth and no medical intervention is required.

Over the past more than a hundred years, medicine has thoroughly studied what training fights are, how many before delivery can they manifest and how to recognize them.

training fights for how many before giving birth

How to identify

It is very important that every pregnant woman isearly terms learned information about training bouts. Women who have received theoretical training, are more attentive to their health and observe the changes taking place. They can recognize themselves when they have training cuts, and they know how to react to it.

The main symptoms of training fights:

  1. A feeling of contraction and aching pain in the groin area and in the lower abdomen.
  2. Irregularity and irregularity of contractions.
  3. Only appear in one area of ​​the abdomen.
  4. Abbreviations can occur up to 6 times per hour.
  5. False bouts are not given in the back, as is the case with real battles.
  6. Do not cause severe pain. Inattentive women may not even notice such a reduction.
  7. Gradually disappear. After a small amount of time, the uterus calms down and becomes soft.

Some pregnant women calculate the date of birth,paying attention to training bouts. For how many before the birth, they occur, it is difficult to pinpoint. Usually, training cuts appear in the second and third trimester. Through how many births after training fights, it is impossible to answer. The presence or absence of false bouts is not an indicator by which one can judge the course of pregnancy.

training fights for how many before delivery begin

Duration of contractions

Identify the false cuts can any womanwithout the help of a doctor. To do this, you need to know how many training sessions last for labor. With such contractions of the uterus, the duration of muscle tension can be up to 2 minutes. Usually training fights last no more than a minute. And their frequency of manifestation is up to several times an hour.

False contractions do not increase in frequency and intensity.

training fights through how many births

Causes of appearance

Often Braxton-Hicks contractions cause certain behavior of a pregnant woman:

  • excessive activity, physical activity;
  • psychoemotional stress (for example, experiences and unrest due to future births);
  • holding a full bladder;
  • sexual arousal, intimate contact.

In most cases, a woman can avoidtraining cuts of the uterus. Doctors advise pregnant women to drink the necessary amount of water, do not be nervous and stay calm until the very birth. These recommendations should be followed and when there were training bouts. Through how many births, doctors define or determine still on early terms. Compliance with medical recommendations allows you to normally take out the baby and give birth at a set time.

how many training fights last before childbirth

False contractions in the early stages

In medicine, there is no precise definition of whentraining fights should appear. How many before the onset of contractions, depends on the body of the future mother. Often there are cases that false fights appear even in the first months of bearing a child.

False contractions at the beginning of pregnancy are almost notare felt. Their intensity and frequency increases already closer to childbirth. To exclude and prevent the development of dangerous pathologies, with minor discomfort in the lower abdomen should consult a doctor.

through how many births after training fights

What to do when the training cuts began

For how many before the birth, they would be manifested,pregnant women can not panic. False battles make it possible to prepare for real fights. So, during an attack, a pregnant woman can practice breathing systems that are used during childbirth:

  1. Do frequent shallow breaths during the next bout. Such an exercise trains the lungs and facilitates the passage of an attack.
  2. After the end of the bout, make a deep exhalation and inhale, and exhale slowly at the battle.
  3. Take slow breaths through the nose and exhale sharply through the mouth.

Even to facilitate training fights, you can try to reduce discomfortable sensations in the following ways:

  • lie down on the bed and take a comfortable pose;
  • drink water;
  • walk around;
  • take a warm shower;
  • include relaxing music.
  • calm down and tune in to positive thoughts.

training fights through how many births begin

Alarm signals

Distinguish between symptoms, the presence of which requiresmedical care. In some cases, the threat of gestation can be identified when it comes to training fights. For how many before the birth and how intensively the uterus shrinks, the presence of excreta should be observed by all pregnant women.

Symptoms, the manifestation of which signals the need to consult a doctor:

  • severe pain in the back and in the lower abdomen;
  • bloody, mucous or watery discharge;
  • decreased fetal activity;
  • increased frequency of spasms.

False contractions before childbirth

In the last weeks of pregnancy,training fights. Through how many births begin, in late terms, only a doctor can precisely establish. False bouts in the last weeks are more painful and because of this, it seems to women that they are already beginning to give birth. The beginning of labor can be determined from the frequency and intensity of contractions, which the cardiotocography method accurately calculates. With it, you can determine the exact number of uterine contractions, their strength and duration.

Training fights in recent weeks are harbingers of birth. Most often, such reductions are observed in the mornings and evenings.

False contractions are very important for labor, as they help smooth and soften the cervix and prepare it for the upcoming birth.

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