How to brew jam from gooseberries: proven methods

Juicy berries of gooseberry are distinguished by a specialsweet taste with a slight sourness. They contain a lot of useful substances and vitamins, with them you can prepare mouth-watering desserts. And you can make jam from gooseberries for the winter. Emerald or golden, it even looks like an exquisite dessert. Not surprisingly, one of the options for making such a treat is called "royal" or "royal".

How to cook jam from gooseberries?
Do not know how to make jam from gooseberries? Use one of the suggested recipes.

Simple gooseberry preserves

To prepare this dessert you will needa kilo of berries, a kilogram and two hundred grams of sugar, two glasses of water. Before you can make jam from gooseberries, the fruits need not only be cleaned, washed and cleaned of the pedicels, but also with a toothpick. It will be more delicious. If you want, you can also cut the berries and remove the bones from them. If you decide to use them whole, lower the gooseberry into cool water and leave for ten hours. Cook the sugar syrup from the water and sugar. In the boiling liquid put the berries and immediately turn off the stove. Leave for six hours. Turn the cooker back on and cook until done. Spread the finished product according to previously prepared clean and dry jars, tighten the lids tightly and put them away for storage.

Royal jam from gooseberry
Royal jam from gooseberry

You will need four hundred grams of berries, alcohol orvodka, eight hundred grams of granulated sugar, a glass of water, cherry leaves. Before you cook jam from gooseberries, rinse and peel the fruit from the seeds, pour alcohol for an hour. Throw the berries in a colander and rinse it with water, in which the cherry leaves were boiling. Rinse with cold water. Make a syrup of water and sugar, put the prepared gooseberry into it, bring it to a boil several times, immediately removing the boiled mass from the plate. Dilute to the desired density on a minimum heat and pour on pre-sterilized glass jars with tight covers.

How to brew jam from gooseberries with a maximum of vitamins

To save all the useful substances that arecontained in fresh berries, make a quick jam-five-minute. You need a kilogram of gooseberries and a half kilogram of granulated sugar. Rinse and dry the berries. Pour sugar into the pan and add a little gooseberry or apple juice there to lightly moisten it.

Jam from gooseberry emerald
Add the gooseberry, cover and bringto a temperature of eighty degrees. Do not allow to boil, hold in this state for about five minutes, then spread out on dry jars and roll.

How to brew jam from gooseberry, which is not yet ripe

From immature berries, too, you can prepare a dessert forwinter. Take a kilogram of gooseberries, twenty cherry leaves, two glasses of water and one and a half kilos of granulated sugar. Rinse the berries, cut off their tops and put them in a saucepan with washed cherry leaves. Pour all the boiling water and let it brew for eight hours, then pour out the water and cook syrup with it. Remove the cherry leaves. Sprinkle the berries in syrup and cook for a quarter of an hour. Ready jam cool in a basin with cold water and spread on the banks for storage.

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