How to cook jam from gooseberries with oranges

In summer, when there are so many fresh fruits and berries,you need to think about the winter. Many housewives dry, freeze the fruit and cook jam or jam out of them. All this allows you to return to the heat during cold weather for a second and enjoy your favorite berries, among which gooseberry is very popular.

This fruit contains a huge amount of vitaminsand useful substances, and besides has a tart taste and aroma, and if you make jam from gooseberries with oranges, all these qualities will be in it. In addition, a note of citrus will add extra charm to the home preparation.

It should be noted that the recipe for this delicacysimple enough, and the ingredients are easily accessible. So, per kilogram of berries you need 2 medium-sized oranges and 1.5 kg of sugar. From the well washed and dried gooseberries are removed stems. If the fruits are large, you can slightly cut them with a knife. Bones are removed from the oranges, while the skin can be left. Now all this is passed through a meat grinder, and sugar is poured into the received mass. It is better to use enameled utensils and a wooden spoon, because when you touch the metal, many useful substances contained in berries and citrus are destroyed.

Then you can use two methods,to make jam from gooseberries with oranges. In the first case, the sugar is mixed well until it completely dissolves. After this, the resulting mass is dispensed over sterilized small jars and clogged with polyethylene lids. It is stored in a cold place, preferably not more than 2 months.

If we take another method, then the obtainedberry-citrus puree with sugar is put on the fire and brought to a boil. After that, a glass of hot water is poured in here, and jam from gooseberry with oranges boils at a low temperature for an hour. The prepared dish should be thick enough. It is hot poured on glass jars, which are rolled up with lids.

The original taste with "sour" is jam fromgooseberries with lemon and oranges. To do this, the berries are washed, moved, filled with water and put on fire. Citrus fruits are peeled and peeled, cut into circles, put to gooseberry. The ingredients are then brought to a boil and left on a low heat. Approximate time of cooking will be an hour, but should be guided by fruits and berries, which should become quite soft. After that, they cool, grind through a sieve. In the resulting mashed potatoes, sugar is poured in, and everything is put on the stove, where at least a half hour is cooked on a small fire. Ready jam from gooseberry with orange and lemon is decomposed into prepared dishes. It should be noted that citrus fruits will give the dish a special refinement, as a result of which it will be sweet and very fragrant.

In most cases it is recommended to put sugaras many kilograms as berries. However, since this is a matter of taste, you can slightly modify the recipe, making jam from gooseberries and oranges a little more sour or slightly sweeter. Also, you can use lemon together with zest, then it should be scrolled through a meat grinder or crushed in a blender. The resulting blank has a bright color and original taste.

You can do as a cold jam with theseingredients, and cook it in the usual way. If you want to make jam, then the berries are pre-softened on fire, then rubbed through a sieve. Orange in this case it is better to use without skin, only the flesh. By combining these ingredients, sugar is put here, digest for a while. Shortly before the end of the preparation, the pre-soaked gelatin is added to the mass. For banks this dish is poured necessarily hot.

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