Delicious recipes: jam from gooseberry, through the minced meat grinder

Gooseberries are very unpretentiousplant, and its berries - delicious. We harvest from it every year, even in the most unfavorable. As a result of such yield, the housewives regularly have a lot of care for processing berries to add billets to their bins. There are a lot of recipes for cooking, we'll look at some of them, including jam from gooseberries (through a minced grinder), emerald and royal.

jam from gooseberry through a meat grinder

Before us is the only berry that is takengreen, immature, still solid. To begin with, consider the first option, the easiest and fastest recipe. We need the following ingredients: one kilogram of gooseberries, two oranges and one kilogram of sugar.

And now specifically about how to prepare jam fromgooseberries. We pass through the meat grinder thoroughly washed berries. Oranges should also be washed, dried and cut into slices (remove the bones), and then grind with a mincer and put in a bowl with berries.

In the next step, add sugar, mixvery carefully. We put on the stove and on medium heat bring to a boil. There is a very important question: "When we prepare jam from gooseberries, how much to cook it?" The process is very fast, it takes 3-5 minutes, and it is necessary to remove it from the fire immediately and put it into cans, previously sterilized. Immediately roll up, turn necessarily upside down and wrap it well. After cooling, we remove the cans for storage. Jam from gooseberry (through the meat grinder missed) is ready!

jam from gooseberry how much to cook

Let's briefly on the reciperoyal jam. For him, we need five glasses of berries, which you need, as usual, to clean thoroughly, remove the stems, cut them and, using a hairpin, cleanse the seeds. Further we put them in a basin, we splash with vodka, we shake some times and we clean for some hours in a cool place. Meanwhile, cook the syrup: for three quarters of a glass of water, add seven cups of sugar. Throw the berries in a colander, drop them into syrup and cook until ready. After finishing the cooking, it is desirable to cool down quickly.

Answering the question how to make jam fromgooseberry, you can also consider the recipe for the preparation of an emerald product from these delicious berries. The first point is completely analogous to the previous version. Next, we take a handful of cherry leaves, throw them into the water, boil them and fill the cleaned berries with cleaned berries. The leaves are not thrown away. After cooling the berries are put for 10-12 hours in a cold place. The broth is drained, we take out the leaves, take two glasses of filtered decoction and seven glasses of sugar. Cook the syrup.

how to make jam from gooseberry

In the resulting syrup we put the berries and boil them notmore than 15 minutes. In doing so, they must become green and transparent. For a couple of minutes before the readiness, add 10-12 fresh cherry leaves, which remain there. After finishing the cooking, the product must be cooled quickly. It will be a very beautiful green color.

As we see, jam from gooseberries (through a minced grinder of the missed) is prepared faster and easier. It should be so. Another, very simple way.

We cut or pierce one kilogram of berries,seeds in this case is not cleaned. To make them softer, blanch in hot water. Now it will be easier for sugar to penetrate inside. Cook the syrup at the rate of three quarters of a glass of water per one kilogram of 200 grams of sugar. We lower the berries in a hot syrup and wait for complete cooling. Then - again on the stove and cook until done. The state of readiness is determined by drop: if it does not spread, the jam is ready. Adding to it one orange, passed entirely through a meat grinder, we get a new, original taste of the product. For information, a large gooseberry is not recommended, since it is cooked very unevenly.

Bon Appetit!

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