Meatballs in tomato sauce: simple and tasty recipe

Meatballs - this is a unique meat dish, which is prepared almost all over the world, and in many ways. But no matter how meatballs are cooked, they are always combined with any garnish.

To cook meatballs in tomato sauce,the recipe is quite simple, you need a very small amount of products: minced meat - 500 grams, one egg, 300 grams of tomato, two large carrots, two or three onions and several cloves of garlic. Meatballs in tomato sauce, the recipe of which will be described below, can be called meat balls: it seems to me that this is a more suitable name. It would seem that the balls are stuffed, what can you think of such a thing? - but how delicious and unusual they can be! Compared with them, ordinary cutlets become simply boring, so those housewives who know how to make meatballs in tomato sauce recipe each can have their own, prefer to roll balls instead of cutlets.

Meatballs came to us from Italy - there theirprepare for spaghetti. The Italians simply mixed minced meat with onions and garlic and fried them like that, only without eggs. But if the meatballs are cooked in a sauce, then it is better to add an egg to the stuffing - so they will be stronger and will not fall apart. You can just fry the meatballs in a frying pan, but if you cook them in sauce, it turns out much tastier, and the egg does not let the sauce soak in and the meatballs do not lose shape.

Half a kilo mix with smallthe number of finely chopped onions and garlic and form small balls, and then fry them in a pan on all sides. This should be done carefully so that they do not collapse. After frying the balls until half cooked, we remove them from the pan. We fry onion, carrots, add finely chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper, add spices (I prefer basil or thyme), and put our meat balls here. Put the balls in sauce for about half an hour. You can cook pasta for garnish.

And now tell you how to prepare stuffedMeatballs in tomato sauce recipe contains the following set of products: egg, bread crumb, cheese, greens, breadcrumbs, vegetable oil. It turns out very tasty! Stuffing is mixed with bread crumb and egg (but you can and without bread - I even like it more), and form a small lozenge, in which we will invest stuffing. The simplest thing is to put a slice of cheese and a little greens. We wrap our bollocks and crumble them in breadcrumbs (can be in flour), and then fry in vegetable oil.

You can make the filling and more complicated. For example, boil beans, grind in a blender, add a little fried onions - the filling is ready! And you can put as a stuffing mashed potatoes. You can make an unusual filling - mix the crushed sweet pepper with fresh pineapple and fry. There are many options. Such stuffed meatballs are well baked in the oven. I took beans in beads. I made the balls and put them in a baking dish. With tomatoes peeled off, grinded them in a blender. Has salted, peppered, has thrown a pinch of spices (all the same ubiquitous basil), and has filled in meatballs the received tomato sauce. Above, a little more sprinkled basil. The mold was left open, put in the oven for forty-five minutes. The baking temperature should be at least one hundred and eighty degrees.

Especially good are such meatballs in tomato sour creamsauce. To prepare sour-tomato sauce you need to mix in equal parts tomato juice and sour cream. The mixture should be well salted and pour the meatballs so that they are drowned so that they do not turn out to be dry. Meatballs in sour-tomato sauce turn out to be tender and eaten instantly. In general, such meatballs can be done at least every day - they do not bother, and random guests always praise them. Try, maybe they will become your favorite dish.

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