Beef in Chinese

To cook beef in Chinese, you need 0.5 kg of beef tenderloin,
a piece of ginger root, sweet red pepper, onion and carrots, soy sauce,
a few cloves of garlic. Beef washed and cut into long strips.
Beef in Chinese marinade in a sauce that is prepared from the pressed
garlic, grated ginger and dark soy sauce. In the sauce, add the tea
a spoonful of sugar, mix the mass, add meat. Beef should pickle
in a cool place for at least one hour. Sweet peppers and carrots thinly
are cut. In a separate frying pan fry the onion, then add the carrots
and sweet pepper. Meat is quickly fried in a bowl with a thick bottom. Then the beef
in Chinese poured two glasses of hot water. To extinguish meat it is necessary under
cover for about half an hour. 15 minutes before the readiness is added vegetables. Dish
served with rice.

Beef in Chinese can be prepared andanother way. Lean beef is washed and cut into thin strips. Then the meat is rolled in a batter, prepared from starch and egg whites. Beef is quickly fried on a hot oil and taken out. In the same oil fry onions and sweet peppers, cut into thin strips. To vegetables, grated root of ginger, dark soy sauce is added. Beef in Chinese is brought to readiness on high heat.

Beef tenderloin in Chinese

To prepare this dish, you need 400 gr. scraps, tablespoon of starch, garlic, sugar, egg whites, a few teaspoons of vinegar, vegetable or sesame oil. The clip is loosened from the films, washed and cut into thin strips. Clay is prepared from whipped proteins, flour and starch with the addition of a small amount of cold boiled water. In a deep saucepan with thick walls, oil is recoated and fry the meat until a brown crust appears. Starch is mixed with vinegar, sugar and pressed garlic, add a little water. The sauce is added to the meat and mixed. Beef in Chinese ready!

Beef in Korean

It will take 0.5 kg of beef, carrots, acetic essence, sugar, red
hot pepper, onion, vegetable oil. Beef should be frozen, and
then to plan thin plates. Stroganin is thawed, sugar is added
and salt, acetic essence. The mass must be mixed thoroughly. Beef should
slightly whiten and start the juice. Marinade needs two hours, sometimes mixing
weight. Carrots clean and finely chop. Add sugar, salt and vinegar
essence, mix thoroughly, so that carrots let the juice. Beef pressed from
marinade, top with carrots, add seasonings and scald with boiling
vegetable oil. Thoroughly mix the ingredients and allow to infuse in
for an hour.

Beef in Mexican style

Beef flesh must be fried fora few minutes. Add the chili peppers, crushed garlic, onions, sweet pepper cubes, corn and red beans to the frying pan, to protect. After 20 minutes, add the spices - marjoram, thyme, chili powder. Tomatoes scald, peel off, grate. Add the tomatoes in the frying pan, reduce the heat and simmer for about half an hour before the sauce thickens. Remove the frying pan from the fire, sprinkle with grated cheese like cheddar and greens, serve hot. The amount of spices can be slightly reduced.

In another version, the beef is cut into small pieceswith dice. The chili pepper is ground, after removing the seeds. The bulb, cut into half rings, is fried in interior fat. In the same dish, brown beef is browned. Tomatoes are cut crosswise, lowered into boiling water, and then covered with iced water. With tomatoes remove the skin and cut into small slices. Bread crust rubbed with garlic. Put roasted onion, peeled tomatoes, chili pepper in a sauté pan. Pour into a mixture of a glass of boiling water and bring to a boil. Then spread the roasted meat in a sauté pan and simmer for about half an hour. Before the end of cooking season the dish with vinegar and sugar.

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