Funchos with chicken - original dish

Many have heard of such a product as fuchoza. So what is it? In simple terms, it is rice noodles.

Funchaz with chicken

It is sold in regular supermarkets and is usedfor cooking Chinese and Japanese cuisine. Noodles look like thin white threads, but after heat treatment it becomes transparent, similar to glass.

General Tips

Funchoza is perfectly combined with manyproducts, because it itself is a dietary product. Everything depends on personal preferences. For example, chicken fungus is an ideal option for a salad. The way of making this noodle is very simple. It is necessary to boil water, a little salt, put into a pan of noodles and cook for no more than 5 minutes. Water is drained, and noodles are used for further cooking.

The recipe for a delicious salad

Let's prepare a salad with chicken.

Lettuce salad with chicken
To do this, we take 500 grams of chicken fillet, 400grams of green beans, one carrot, two onions, one sweet pepper, 50 milliliters of rice vinegar and soy sauce, garlic, salt, pepper and the main ingredient are 200 grams of fungal. Chicken fillet cut with long blocks, then reheat the frying pan and fry them on very high heat. Add the spices and diced onions. All lightly fry. Now take the noodles and boil it as indicated on the package. Pepper is cleaned and cut with long straws. Carrots three "in Korean" with a grater. Bean pods boil. Then fry all the prepared ingredients with spices and chopped garlic. Now mix chicken with onions and vegetables and add noodles to them. Funchos with chicken are a wonderful combination of flavors, and their vegetables perfectly complement. It remains only to fill the salad with rice vinegar and soy sauce. It is better, if this dish is infused for an hour, to open all the flavors. Funchazu with chicken is served both in warm and in cold form.

Salad with fruits and chicken

Wealth of tastes

The following recipe assumes the use ofa large number of ingredients, which gives the dish an unusual taste. Funchoza with chicken is an easy dish that does not contain high-calorie foods. We need 200 grams of noodles, 500 grams of chicken fillet, one tomato, sweet pepper and cucumber, a small spoonful of grated ginger, two tablespoons of hops-suneli, some garlic, three tablespoons of balsamic vinegar and soy sauce, olive oil, pepper and greens for decoration. Cut the chicken fillet with straw and put it into a frying pan, which we preheat with oil (olive) beforehand. Sprinkle the chicken with the seasoning of hops-suneli. Mix everything to make the seasoning evenly distributed. Carrots three "in Korean" on grater, chopping garlic. Noodles are prepared according to a recipe and spread it on a plate. Next is carrots, which are sprinkled with ginger and garlic, pepper, sugar and chopped parsley. Heat the olive oil and water the dish. Lay out the meat. Fresh cucumber cut with straws and add to the salad. Funchoza with chicken and vegetables is poured with soy sauce and balsamic vinegar, everything is well mixed and served on the table.

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