Characteristic of Ranevskaya. "The Cherry Orchard", A. P. Chekhov

"Cherry Orchard" is one of the most popular andknown works written by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. It reflects many negative social and historical phenomena of the state system of the time, such as moral impoverishment and degradation of the nobility, the emergence of capitalism, and with it the emergence of a new class - the bourgeoisie. And sadly it sounds, but the main theme of the work was the fate of all of Russia, which is associated with the cherry garden. Before the reader rises from the pages of the history of the life of the people of tsarist Russia, which invariably led to rebirth.

characteristic of Ranevskaya cherry orchard

Characteristics: Love Ranevskaya ("The Cherry Orchard")

In this play, Ranevskaya and her brother Gayev are representatives of the past, Lopakhin - the present, Anya and Trofim - of the future.

All the events of the work take place in the estateLubov Andreevna Ranevskaya, where the big land is occupied by the cherry orchard. All this estate is sold because of the numerous debts of the landlady. She returned home from abroad just in time for the spring, when the whole garden is white, singing playfully starlings, the sky is blue-blue. Nature is renewed, and together with it Ranevskaya is enveloped in hopes for a new and happy life. She admires admiringly: "Whole, all white! Oh, my garden! "

For the future owner, merchant Lopakhin, thisThe cherry garden is not only an object of a profitable transaction, but also something more. He says that he did not see anything more beautiful than this estate, because his grandfather was serf here.

Ranev cherry orchard

Portrait characteristics of Ranevskaya from the "Cherry Orchard"

If you take on the description of the artistic portraitthe main character, then we face an image that at first glance will seem very nice and attractive. Ranevskaya is really very sincere and touchingly happy, having fun, and sometimes crying with memories of her childhood or her son, who died.

What was Ranevskaya really like? "Cherry Orchard" (characterization of the heroine as well) literally right away, just a few strokes makes it clear all the frivolity of her nature. She behaves too naigrano, so immediately you can doubt the sincerity of her experiences.

She constantly jumps up and walks, very worried, says she can not survive this joy, while kissing the closet and saying: "Laugh at me, I'm stupid ...".

Characteristic Ranevskaya ("The Cherry Orchard") saysthat she is self-critical and smart enough, but accustomed to living at someone else's expense. She is no longer able to change anything in herself, therefore she became a slave of circumstances, caprices and a worthless person who has generalized it.

Ranevskaya herself understands that she is a spender, who quickly and senselessly lowers money, while her adopted daughter Varya feeds households with milk soup, and old people in the kitchen are given one pea.


Dealing further with the topic we touched upon, namely"Ranevskaya (" The Cherry Orchard "): Characteristics of the Heroine", we note that Lyubov Andreevna at first does not pay any attention to telegrams from Paris from her boyfriend and even tears them until she learns the name of the buyer of her estate. And then she throws to the mercy of fate all (and her girls, Anya and Varya too) and with the last money leaves for Paris. In this city she was going to live for the money that Ani's grandmother sent to buy the estate. Everyone understands that they will not last long.

This behavior ostensibly justifies the fact that her love for a dishonest person is to blame for everything. But this is hardly a high feeling, on the contrary, there is something low-minded, repulsive in this, even somewhere ridiculous.

characteristic love Ranev cherry orchard


Further the characteristic of Ranevskaya ("The Cherry Orchard")indicates that she is selfish and very impractical, and she herself says that she is below love. However, in her there is something very feminine, easy and attractive, she is nice, kind and sympathetic. But gradually all this together with the feeling of beauty fades away.

Lopakhin sincerely relates to Ranevskaya, he sympathizes with her and shares her enthusiasm for the extraordinary beauty of the cherry garden, and all because he is a very sensitive and gentle person.

Irreplaceable loss

However, Ranevskaya is not destined to save the road for herheart of the garden, since it does not have that commercial vein and it will not be able to make it profitable again, as it was almost half a century ago. This fact is emphasized by her remark "... It used to be that the dried cherry was transported by wagons and sent to Moscow and Kharkov. There was money! ".

portrait characteristic of Ranevskaya from the cherry orchard

As a result, Ranevskaya sells a cherry orchard and that beauty that can not protect itself. And so everything must disappear, and with it, something very important and secret remains irreversible.

Her brother Gayev also looks helpless,who only in his own eyes remained highly aristocratic. Lopakhin, he almost does not notice and considers him a boor, who must be put in place.


As you can see, the characteristic of Ranevskaya ("Cherrygarden "), like her brother Gayev, says that, having lost their patrimonial nest, the former masters did not learn anything. Very curious about them expressed Maxim Gorky: "Selfish, like children, and flabby, like the old, they were late in time to die and whine, seeing nothing around themselves, without understanding anything, parasites, deprived of the strength to again suck to life."

However, whatever the characterization of Ranevskaya,Cherkov's "Cherry Orchard" was conceived precisely as a comedy, and, perhaps, it was the theatrical and director's production that had too thickened the colors. Who knows?! And maybe to life you need to be treated as carefree, easy and fun as the main character did?

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