Elements of the political system

Elements of the political system interactamong themselves, thus allowing it to function as integrity. And at the same time, it is not just their sum. The main elements of the political system can theoretically be split on some basis. Then the meaning of each of its components is much better seen.

For example, if you structure it based onrole understanding, it should be considered from the point of view of the types of interaction between actors that perform certain roles in politics, guided by the patterns of behavior of others in this field.

Elements of the political system can alsotake into account the institutional approach. This means that each of its institutions is engaged in meeting certain needs and fulfilling certain functions in politics.

Elements of the political system canstructured and according to the order of the actual implementation of power by one or another group, that is, on the basis of political stratification. So, the political elite takes direct decisions. The bureaucracy fulfills these decisions. Ordinary citizens form a power representing their interests. That is, the political system includes several subsystems. They form its integrity.

Elements of the political system of society are impossiblefirst of all, without an institutional subsystem. The aggregate of several institutions expresses and represents interests that differ in meaning (from state to private). Power and resources are maximally concentrated in the hands of the state, and therefore it is the main instrument for realizing the interests of society. It is the state that is engaged in the distribution of values ​​and encourages citizens to implement the decisions of the authorities without fail. Also, this subsystem includes various parties, the media, the church.

The next element of the political system -normative subsystem. In legal documents certain rules are fixed, on the basis of which the interaction between the subjects entering into political interaction takes place. Some norms are passed orally in the form of customs, traditions from generation to generation.

Subjects of political relations, following theserules (written and unwritten), interact with each other. Types of such interaction, based on disagreements and approval, its strength - all this makes up a communicative subsystem. Using the means of communication, the government enters into a dialogue, exchanges information with the society, reacts to the demands of the subjects.

Political interaction always takes place in thea certain cultural and religious environment, is conditioned by its homogeneity. The cultural subsystem consists of subcultures, confessions prevailing in the society and forming their own system of values, priorities, beliefs, norms of behavior and thinking about politics. Thus, the actions of politicians are given meaning, which is important for all, there is an impact on stabilization in society, on the consent between its subjects. The more homogeneous the culture, the more effective the activity of political institutions will be. The dominant element of this subsystem is religion. On its basis, a model of interaction between members of society and the behavior of each individual is determined.

Power is realized in various ways andmethods, the totality of which is determined by models of society, corresponding to the values ​​and representations of the culture. This is a mix of technologies used in politics, and makes a functional subsystem. The relationship between power and society, their integration and integrity are characterized by what methods it applies to the realization of power relations (consent or coercion).

All elements of the political system depend on each other. Interacting, they affect the state of the system as a whole, help its full functioning in society.

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