Drops from green snot for children: reviews

To understand how to deal with nasal mucusgreen color in children, it is necessary first to find out the root cause of its appearance. Most parents begin to worry even if the child has a clear secret, although such allocation does not pose a threat to his health. Another thing is the appearance of thick snot with green patches. Such a sign means that a bacterial infection has been attached to the common cold.

To eliminate unpleasant discharge from the nose and itsdelayed treatment should be started immediately to avoid possible complications. Doctors quite often prescribe drops from green snot for children with a cold.

Causes of nasal secretions in babies

Green mucus indicates thatThe inflammatory process was joined by microbes: Staphylococcus aureus or streptococci. Such a mukonasal secret often occurs at the end of the common cold. Understand that the child is recovering can be judged by the main symptoms - snot begin to easily exit from the nasal sinuses, they become few, the baby has an appetite and improves overall well-being.

But if there is a lot of green discharge, the childcan not blow them off, they all the time flow, have an unpleasant smell, besides contain impurities of pus and blood, then, most likely, it is a bacterial complication of the common cold. It is necessary to take measures if on the 5th day of a cold illness the state of health of a baby worsened, new signs appear: a sore throat or ear, a strong cough. Drops in the nose to children with green snot will help in this case to improve the condition and quickly recover.

There may be nasal secretions of a greenish shade for various reasons. Consider below some diseases that provoke their appearance.

Snot of this shade can occur with otitis. Since in small children the eustachian tube that connects the nasopharynx and the middle ear cavity, wide and short, the secretions can easily penetrate the hearing organ and provoke an inflammatory process of bacterial nature in it. Such a disease is a frequent complication of rhinitis in toddlers.

Sinusitis also causessecretion of a greenish shade in a child. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses, as a rule, is accompanied by congestion, high fever, night cough, purulent discharge, and headache.

At a genyantritis still there are following signs:

  • swelling of the gums;
  • soreness in the maxillary sinuses;
  • pain in the occiput and parietal part of the head (sphenoiditis);
  • pain between the eyebrows (frontitis);
  • unpleasant sensations in the nose (etmoiditis).

Green snot are observed even with rhinopharyngitis. If the rhinitis is not treated, then a posterior rhinitis may occur. With such a disease, the mukonasal secret, draining over the pharynx, irritates it, resulting in inflammation of the mucosa. At the small patient thus there are painful sensations and a burning sensation in the field of a pharynx, and sopli it is difficult to wash out and vysmarkivajutsja. In the morning and night hours begins to torment cough and runny nose. Such a disease must necessarily be treated to prevent negative consequences for the child's body.

Drops from green snot for children

What is dangerous for the discharge from the nose of green?

If you do not do anything with such a cold, thenthe disease will change into a chronic form. Getting rid of neglected rhinitis is much harder. It is for this reason that when a baby is found, especially in infants, green mucus from the nose, treatment should be started as soon as possible. Infants are immunocompromised and the nasal passages are very narrow, since the nasal septum has not yet formed.

Drops with green snot in a child helpavoid many complications, because if you do not take any therapeutic measures, the frontitis or sinusitis will develop. These pathologies indicate that the inflammation began to spread upward. The stuffy nose sometimes causes meningitis in babies.

When the infection moves down, the lungs andbronchi. That is why dense green snot, accompanied by poor health and high temperature, require urgent treatment. It is necessary to visit or call a doctor at home, self-medication with such symptoms is unacceptable.

What kind of drops with green snot can a child use?

Inflammation when bacteria get into the bodyprovokes swelling of the nasal mucosa. Because of this, a small patient begins to accumulate all the time thick green discharge, which makes breathing difficult. After finding out the exact cause of their appearance, you can start treatment. During the treatment of the common cold resort to various measures:

  • washing;
  • reception of antibiotics (in complex and neglected cases);
  • recipes of traditional medicine.

In addition, apply sprays and drops from the greenSnot for children. But before you start treatment, you should first clean the nasal cavity of viscous secretions. To green mucus in the baby came out naturally, without laying down the ears, it is necessary to correctly perform the bleeding.

The handkerchief must be clean,it must be distributed on the arm. Then it is applied to the nasal sinuses, while the right nostril is clamped, and through the left nostril, a strong exhalation is made. Then you should release the right nasal opening, close the left and blow your nose.

Drops in the nose to children with green snot

Nasal Flushing Procedure

Nevertheless, it is not always possible to get rid ofsnot in this way, because the allocation can be too thick or the baby is still small to perform self-winding. In this case it is better to wash. The right way to clean the nose will help quickly get rid of the green mucus in the child.

Rinsing of the nose is good atindependent treatment and before the use of medicines. But similar procedures in a small patient should be done carefully. Therefore, if there are doubts, it is better to entrust the rinsing to medical workers by visiting the polyclinic.

Tips for choosing drugs to treat colds

By cleansing the airways, you canmove on to the use of medicines. Drops from green snot for children are prescribed only by a qualified doctor after carrying out diagnostic activities. After all, with the wrong choice of the drug, there is a risk of developing such dangerous complications as eustachitis, otitis and maxillary sinusitis. Varieties of drugs that are suitable for eliminating rhinitis in children:

  • Medicines with antiseptic properties.
  • Antibiotics (local action).
  • Vasodilating drops.
  • Drugs based on sea water.
    Good drops from green snot for children

How correctly to dig in a medicine to the child?

If drops are applied from the green snot forchildren who are swelling, a small patient should be lying down. A little money should be pipetted into one of the outer nasal apertures. The head of the child during this should be thrown back in the same direction, slightly lifting it. At the end of this procedure, you need to leave the baby for about 7 minutes, so that the medicine can reach the maxillary sinuses and into the nasal canals. This rule plays an important role, especially when the drops are applied with nasal congestion.

By observing the instillation technique, breathinga small patient will quickly recover. The constant effect of drugs on the nasal sinus is an excellent prevention of fluid stagnation in them and the development of sinusitis. When using a spray to treat a baby from green snot, during injection, it should stand or sit, tilting the opposite side of the head from the nasal opening into which the medication is administered. This will prevent particles of the drug from entering the auditory tube.

Drops with green snot in a child

Drops with sea water

Before you eliminate rhinitis and nasal congestionat kids medicinal means, it is necessary to wash out all over again a nasal cavity. Today, for such purposes, special solutions are sold that help clean out green discharge from the nasal canals. These drugs include:

  • "Humer";
  • "Akvalor";
  • "Aquamaris".

It is also desirable to handle the nasalthe child's cavity with a common salt solution. You can buy such a tool or make it yourself. The concentration of the solution should not be higher than 0.09%.

Drops in the nose of children from green snot

Drugs of vasoconstrictive action

Data drops in the nose to children from green snotit is recommended to use only when there is a stuffy nose. Babies up to a year can use "Xylometazoline". Older children are allowed to use "Nafazolin" drops, and from the age of three they are allowed to treat the common cold with "Oxymetazoline".

Such drugs are quickly eliminatededema, relieve nasal congestion and narrow the vessels, but have some contraindications. Vasoconstrictive drops can adversely affect the baby's vessels and cause addiction. They are prescribed in severe cases to alleviate the main symptoms of the disease. It should be noted that such drugs are not suitable for periodic use. To treat thick green mucus in children still use:

  • "Naphthyzine";
  • "Otrivin";
  • "Tizin";
  • "Nazivin".
    Drops from green snot to baby 3 years old

Good drops from green snot for children of antibacterial action

When choosing antibacterial agents take into accountthe degree of severity of the disease, the age of the child, the individual tolerance and pathogen. Children with the appearance of green mucus from the nose are prescribed the following drugs:

  • The drops in the nose of Polidex are designed forreducing the number of snot. They remove the swelling of the mucous membrane and kill harmful bacteria. Such a drug has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. But it is allowed to use it Only children older than 15 years (although sometimes doctors prescribe and earlier).
  • "Isofra" in the form of a nasal spray. The drug has a bactericidal and antimicrobial effect. Therapy with this drug should be carried out in conjunction with the rest.

Drops with antiseptic properties

Such drugs are used whenpurulent-mucous secretions in the child. Before deciding which drops from green snot to the child to use in the complex therapy of the common cold, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with such medicines as:

  • Miramistin;
  • "Sulfacil sodium";
  • "Decametoxin";
  • "Chlorophyllipt";
  • Protargol.

What drops with green snot to the child
The above drugs haveantimicrobial action against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. But they should be used only according to the doctor's prescription. Drops from green snot to the child in 3 years (and at any other age) can not be used uncontrollably. Otherwise, you can trigger the drying and even cause a burn mucous, in addition to reduce local immunity.

Treatment of a cold in a child with folk remedies

Get rid of discharge from the nose often helpherbal solutions. In this case, the baby should be given more fluids, for example, tea with black currant, and also with lemon and honey. In addition, you can prepare drops from green snot:

  • A child in 2 years should make a mixture of yarrow and calendula. Raw material is poured in water and boiled for 25 minutes. The resulting solution is performed by washing the nose several times a day.
  • To eliminate dense precipitations, it is recommended to use parsley. The freshly squeezed root juice of this herb is digested into each nostril. Treated in this way, until the mucus is less.

Despite the fact that the means of alternative medicine are safe, it is better to consult with the pediatrician before using them.

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